Help Analyzing Parts for Building a Gaming PC


May 4, 2013
Okay let me just start off with saying, I've had a crappy laptop for quite a while now. For a while now I've felt it's time to upgrade to a PC.
Everywhere I go, everyone says to build one don't buy one. That's what I intend on learning how to do. My budget is $700-about$800, and I intend on using it for gaming.
So anyways I have two links I need to share. This first link is sort of the basis of the parts I'm trying to pick out I guess, sort of the Back Bone:
(I'm going off of the build that's $700).

This second link is a thread I made on a gaming website asking for feedback on the build above. What I need from you is help analyzing all of the help I'm getting from this second link, what you think would best fit my budget and be best.

I'm kind of a slow learner, so what I need is some one-on-one help. If anyone is up for it, I'd appreciate it so much! Thanks for the time.

Thanks! Maybe a more detailed walkthrough could also be helpful 😀
OK, like i said, follow the link with my edits. I'll add more more detail into this but i need a few question from you.

Are you going to DIY it or buy it of a custom retailer?
If you are going DIY, have you had any experience dealing with computer parts handling and operating?
Have you had any experience RMA a product, just in case?

I'm completely new to PC building, and I plan on ordering parts online.

For the case look at the tempest 210 or is cases like these.
There few more dollars then the case that was posted but they have my trays that you can hide all your cables behind and the one I linked to because it has the drive bays turned can use longer video cards. Also cases like the one I posted use drive tray. Can use both 3 inch and two inch drives. Micro center if there is one near you under sandy bridge CPU is the 3470 non k chip for 149.00 then toss it on a good h77 mb. with the power supply spend extra money on a modular power supply from a good vendor like seasonic or pick up a rebranded unit. For the ram intel new cpu look for ram that 1.5v or less. Most good ram is 1600 with a cl9 speed rating. Make sure the ram you buy on the mb qal list or the ram vendor tested the ram on your mb.