[Help] Annoying Crackling sound?


Feb 2, 2016

Since a few weeks i experience i have some weird 'Crackling' in my headset.
And it comes when:
i play 2 Sounds. Like: Playing YouTube & another hardware with music.

But also, sometimes when i play games (Mostly Watch Dogs 2 A.t.m 😀 )
I also hear it. Just on random moments it start's to crack.

I've checked my cable's. But nothing found. Also my Audio Plug-in/Out is okay.

I use a Asus Phoebus Xoner 7.1 Soundcard and a Razar Tiamat 7.1 (Didn't experience 7.1 yet i guess, because idk how to do the settings ?!?! ?_? )

If someone could help with both, it would be awesome !!!

Anyone? :S
1| Can you please pass on your full system's specs as well as your OS? It'd help us further to learn of how you have your headset connected to the soudcard.
2| Have you made sure your motherboard BIOS and soundcard drivers are all up to date?
3| Given that the Razer Tiamat is an analog based (true)7.1 headset, I'd ask you to double check that the headset is connected to the corresponding ports at the back of the system(soundcard I/O) and that in the OS's sound manager and/or Asus Xonar suite is set to 7.1 audio output instead of stereo.
4| You will also need to make sure the titles you're playing have the audio setup appropriately.
5| After installing the add-on sound card, did you make sure to disable the onboard sound card in BIOS?

Edition: Windows 10 Home
Version: 1607 (Had this problem om previous version too)
Build: 14393.576
i7 4790K 4.0 (Not Overclocking)
16GB Ram
64 Bit
GTX 1070 Gaming X SLI (Had it also before SLI)
MSi Z97S Sli Krait Edition. (a few month's old)
750 Watt's PSU

2- Yes, checked it 2 times. It's up-to-date
3- It's Analog yes. It's checked, And i've noticed when i disconnect the orange plug (Subwoofer & Center Out). Program 'Phoebus" (Deliverd by the soundcard) Is set to 7.1. all other programs too.
4-I have it nearly always. On Google Chrome, Internet Explore, GTA V, Watch Dogs 2.
Oh, and. I noticed. when the audio crack's. My FPS Go down in GTA V. (Since i've installed the SLI [2 Days ago])
5-Yes. A Store in my town (Rated as best in The Netherlands) build my PC. I don't touch my PC 😀. And they always show me what to do 😛


1| You missed out being specific with the PSU's make and model, the ram's make and model and it's loadout.
2| Try a repair install of your OS and see if reinstalling your sound card drivers(after uinstalling them) does any good.
3| It sounds like you will void warranty by fiddling around with the system(or at least it'll cost you a pretty penny). You sure you want to follow through with suggestions off the net/forum?
4| Now that you mention, SLI, did you uninstall your GPU drivers(using DDU) and reinstall them with the latest revision?

Ram = DDR3.
PSU = CX750

2- Does that loses all my Data? (Not personal data, But my Games and stuff? Because i tried something like that. it deleted all my games. And didn't help anything...)

3- I still have warranty 😛. They support to rule: Buy it via us, let us build and we will cover you the first year when we brake it 😛

4- The store did that. But idk via what program. So i'll give it a try. 😛
I've come across folks who voided warranty or were charged an exorbitant amount just because they fiddled with the system via the OS.

When asking for ram info, I meant what the ram manufacturer, frequency and voltages they are of. In fact if you could read off the sticker on the ram sticks then we would know of what they were. If not then download CPU-Z and post screen shots of the drop down menu under memory tab.

PSU's make and model is needed, not just the wattage that's what I mean by being specific.

You might need them to take a look at the system or at least keep them up to speed with the matter in case they point the finger at you for making a mess, just helping you keep atop of things.

Uninstalling drivers is one thing, if Windows 10 decides to go belly up and it decides to take everything along with it, that's another matter altogether. Backing up all critical data before you take that plunge to the unknown is a good practice.

Ram: Screenshot 1 , Screenshot 2 (Got 4x4. All 4 are different age's. Max 1 Year Old) Do you need 'Caches' too? Idk what is it. I'm Dutch 😛

PSU make and model. Lemme check the box. I've bought 2 together with the sli. I save boxes for now 😀
S/N = 16267115000006552258
Other code's: 16267115 ... CP-9020015-EU OMG I OPENED THE BOX! THE SMELL! IT'S TERRIBLE! OMFG.
That all code's i see on it right now xd.

I'll make a Back-up. My mom has a Back-up driver Via USB i believe. Time to give it a try 😛
Yeap, I was looking for info under SPD's tab, pass on a link to all the 4 slots.

Erm, you own a Corsair CX750W unit? My suggestion is that you replace it asap with a reliable unit.

By backup I meant carry over(copy/pasta) all the critical data not just an entire drive/program but that's your wish.

Why do i need to change the PSU? i saw good reviews about it. And it's most sold here. lol

SPD 1 , SPD 2 , SPD 3 , SPD 4 , SPD 5 :)

A Back-up Is always good 😛

Oh crap, big problem. I don't have the money to buy/trade it for a better one for the upcomming years. My mom is pissed of that i spend alot money in it. If i'll tell her (Doesn't make sence which reason) that i need another. She will murder my pc xd.

Well, they say live and learn, so erm live and learn. :)

Now the crackling sound could be solved with either:
a| a driver reinstalltion
b| a PSU change
c| using a dedicated sound card like an Asus Xonar card(which isn't cheap)
^In either case, you're going to need to contact the guys who built you the system, me thinks.

I'll do, Btw. since you've told me to delete the drivers. i've didn't experienced it yet. I'll play GTA V soon and will see if it's fixed :)


Haha. I'll be carefull. But, i thought you fixed it, But it's still here :S. But in less amount. Normaly it was every 30 min. Now just a few times on a day :O