HELP ASP Ryzen 1600 vs 1600x

Jan 17, 2019
So i am on a tight budget and i need your opinion guys
I can get a ryzen 5 1600 for 149Euros and i can also get a ryzen 5 1600X for 141 euros, (Both of them are brand new).
Which one should i buy i mean i really don't think i can give 30euros for an aftermarket cooler and i saw something weird about the brackets for the am4 socket, but i want the faster proccesor out of the box since i don't plan to oc cause i can play every game with this proccesor at stock speeds.
Also whats this silicon lottery thing?

Go for the 1600 that comes with the wraith cooler. That applies the KISS(Keep it simple sir.) principle.
The 400MHz boost isn't going to amount to that much of a FPS loss.

Silicon lottery thing? In short, each and every...

Go for the 1600 that comes with the wraith cooler. That applies the KISS(Keep it simple sir.) principle.
The 400MHz boost isn't going to amount to that much of a FPS loss.

Silicon lottery thing? In short, each and every CPU(assuming all Ryzen 1600)has microscopic differences which means they, each and every one are imperfect. That is reflected in top OC speed of the CPU. Less imperfections and other stuff I am completely unaware of, equates to a better OC, usually. As you can see I am being unspecific because OC'ing is an art and individual experiences will vary.

Check out "what is GFX card binning". GFX card binning is a result of the aforementioned imperfections which will limit how much the factory can safely OC a GFX card. This is why you may hvae seen OC, SC, SSC, FTW, FTW3, FTW4+ and other OC descriptors. A FTW card will typically be overclocked more than a SC card because the FTW card was pre-tested and then binned with "like" chips(won the silicon lottery) The SSC OC'd better than the SC but not the FTW and so on. The vanilla/reference cards sold without a OC are still going to be perfectly stable and work as described but the factory discovered they lost the lottery so they didn't get the OC treatement because they know about the instabilities.
Ok thank you very much that was very helpfull, i think i will go for a 2600 that has a wraith cooler and is like 10euros more than a 1600 the perfomance gain and fixes of zen+ are huge since i don't need the fastest ram.
P.s. It costs 158euros brand new is that a good price i think really good