HELP | ASUS GeForce 760 | Power Adapters


Dec 26, 2014
I have bought a new ASUS GeForce 760.

My power supply does not have an 8 pin plug to put into the graphics card to power it. I do have 1 6 pin plug free.

Will the adapter that came in the box (2x6pin = 1x8pin) work with just 1x6 pin or do I need to get a new power supply with an 8 pin plug?

I also have a 2pin plug free. Can I join the 6pin and the 2pin to make the 8pin to power the graphics card?
" I also have a 2pin plug free. Can I join the 6pin and the 2pin to make the 8pin to power the graphics card?"

Yes, do that.