Help: Blue screen and instability on new system


Oct 29, 2016

I put together a PC part list and had a local pc builder put it together for me. It's not a gaming rig but a GPU 3D rendering machine as I do animation/motion graphics but it's also my workstation.

The system is so unstable and blue screens ALOT even with simple tasks not even rendering. If I leave it on and return to it it's just a black screen as if no signal from the machine so I have to restart and in most cases it takes a few attempts to actually get it working again, usually find turning the power at the plug and waiting a few minutes helps but this could be pure coincidental.

Shop have been great supporting me but I think this is beyond them technically as all the parts used are not stuff they stock normally. But this system is pretty useless for what I bought it for and spent a lot of money, so I'm really stuck on what the problem could as I'm not hardware savvy

Here is my part list for my rig
I have a LG 27inch 4K display also

ALSO: my workplace has bought practically the same machine with Pascal Titans instead of 1080s, and we are having exactly the same stability issues.

Stuff I've tried myself:
Updated BIOS to latest version
updating NVidia drivers
Rolling back NVidia drivers
Removing GPU to run one at a time

It says in partpicker that this mobo would require a BIOS update to support broadwell CPU, which I've done.

My work is taking a big impact due to this and even resorted to jumping on my previous iMac machine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Oh ok then. Delete it then. I think the other file is something else. Since it doesnt have the same name.

But, if you uninstalled AI suite and if that's the folder it was in. Delete the whole folder


Oct 29, 2016
Here are the dump files...!AiIs_6CIn0TagVL7Fw3mB479hnuM

Not sure why there isn't later ones in there, I had a bluescreen last night and today and it started up a few times with really low resolution with HUGE icons, had to restart a few times.

Hope these files have the information you need, let me know if there is anything else you need me to provide.

EDIT: I just clicked why I dont have more up to date dmp files..It just sticks on 0% forcing me to force restart...I then get a black line sometimes and its stuck on that screen...Guessing that is stopping the creation of dmp file Images here
Uninstall AIcharger, it's a known cause of crashes. USBXHCI.SYS is crashing. I think this belongs to your USB 3 drivers

AIcharger maybe crashing USBXHCI.SYS. Since thats what it does. It makes USB ports charge faster

Your video drivers are crashing. If the card is a brand, get the drivers off their site. The latest Nvidia drivers are buggy as

When you install the drivers do a clean install. You only need the drivers and HDMI audio. Untick the rest of the files in the install

Uninstall AI suite, some of the programs / drivers it installs crashes windows.

After you uninstall AI suite, find then delete this file AsIO.sys

Uninstall any OC software

See if there's an update for this ASUSFILTER.sys. ASUS USB Hub filter driver. The drivers are 6 yrs old

Wouldnt be surprised if malwarebytes is crashing. The latest version was buggy

See if there's an update for this asmtufdriver.sys. Theyre 3 yrs old. ASMedia USB 3.0 controller drivers

This file CAM_V3.sys - CAM 3 Advanced PC monitoring software is 9 yrs old and may not be compatible with Windows 10.

So you may have to find / use something else


Please teach me how to do that. :)
All I do is use bluescreenview load the dmp file/s go through the driver list, to see what drivers are out of date / like 5+ years old

The top part of bluescreenview shows you the possible causes of the crash.

If programs like Aicharger are installed (you can tell it's installed if AiChargerPlus.sys is in the drivers list in bluescreenview).

If a USB driver (like above), is crashing, there's a high probability AIcharger is making it crash.

If a driver like hal.dll is crashing, this is usually CPU related. And if it's crashing with an 0x133 or 0x124 stop error. This can mean the BIOS is out of date (it's old). An updated BIOS may fix both of these crashes

But an 0x124 stop error can also be caused by something like a driver on the hdd, or you're overclocking the CPU too high / the voltage is wrong, or the CPU is overheating

If ntfs.sys is crashing, from what I've read anyway, this is usually hdd related.

A common stop error for ntfs.sys is 0x24 which means the hdd or files are corrupt. And this can also mean the hdd is failing and needs to be replaced.

Another common stop error for ntfs.sys (well for XP) was 0x7b.

Some people when they installed XP had to put it on IDE mode in the BIOS to install XP. if you want to use AHCI, you need sata drivers (the XP cd doesnt have them unless you slipstream them in an ISO)

But after they installed XP they changed it to AHCI. Result the 0x7b stop error, which means it cant find the hdd (if it's sata), because you didnt install the sata drivers, when you installed XP.

There is a fix for this now. Some registry file for XP

Companies like ASUS, Gigabyte should have figured it out by now. That programs like AIcharger / On/Off DO NOT work

You're trying to add extra power to USB ports to charge things faster. The ports can't handle that. What do they do, their drivers crash



Oct 29, 2016
Ok great! I'm going to follow every step you said and report back once I'm done.

I didn't realize some of those programs were so old and unstable.

Just a quick question however, do you think my system looks compatible hardware wise and this could actually be a hardware issue? Its just really strange this is happening at work too on a similar machine.

Thanks again for your advice so far!

Yup you have to be careful with the drivers you install. The older they are, the more chance of your system crashing

Everything hardware wise looks fine. The thing is the more junk you install (like any overclocking programs, AIcharger, AIsuite, (you dont need any of these things).

To make a system work. The more chance of one of their drivers crashing on you. They may do this and that, BUT, sooner or later, some part of it will crash your system

The less junk you install the better.

Only drivers I installed on this, the chipset , and video drivers (Windows installed the video drivers because the Intel site is too confusing) ! If I try to find them there. Windows 10 installs LAN and audio. Thats it.

I dont install any of the junk on the ASUS site. I dont need it. The system works fine without all the junk