Help build high-end gaming rig! Please. :)


Sep 27, 2016
Hello guys and gal. I am looking to build a high-end gaming pc. I am looking to keep it under $3k. I already have a new thermal take core P3 tower and nothing else. It has been 6-7 years since I have even upgraded my current rig and it shows. Have not gamed on it for years now.

I have been out of the loop for awhile now and that is why I am asking for help. Im pretty sure I want an i7 and gtx 1080. I do have a Micro Center a couple miles away so I plan on buying there, Troy Michigan.

I plan on buying Oct 17 2016. Thanks for any and all help!
It shouldn't cost you more than $1500.

Corsair 600W (i just really like corsair PSUs lately, really high quality)
15CAS DDR4 with XMP frequency of 3k or higher
a Z170 board of your choice depending on form factor.
an m.2 SSD if your Mobo supports it.
a 2.5" SSD if your mobo doesn't have m.2.
A cryorig cooler that you like the look of.

Thanks Warp 9. I am, as of now, leaning towards the 6700k. I know I want a gtx 1080 just not sure which make/editions, such as founders.

I am looking for make/model with mobo. I do not really care if it cost $200 or $600. I want something that should last. I may never do another build.

So does any one else agree with Corsair PS? Are they the psu to have? I would most likely get a 800w or above. Again I am not to concerned about $100 here or there.

I am looking for specific make/model of components. A dream build! If money was not an issue what make/model components would you guys get? Thanks.