Hi guys,
I'm building a new gaming PC, and am looking for some feedback on my build. I would really appreciate any suggestions because I'm pretty new to this.
A. Build: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/user/kylecb/saved/#view=m66nTW
B. Main Questions:
1. I have a HP Blackbird Case – has a (a) disk drive, (b) a 900W power supply, and (c) two 320GB hard drives.
(a) I assume the disk drive is still usable.
(b) 900W PSU (listed in the build) - is a 900W PSU just a 900W PSU, or is there more to it?
(c) The hard drives isn't the exact ones (the ones I have are here: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148315R ). This is enough storage for me, but is not having an SSD a big deal for performance?
2. Have I selected good new parts to buy, or am I wasting money on certain ones, and not spending enough on others, etc?
(a) The GPU – I went with a cheap one from the from the "Best PC Builds" list since the other ones were quite expensive, but I have a feeling I might be going a bit too cheap on this. Will this be a big bottleneck? Ex. Should I spend an extra $100 and get something like: GeForce GTX 970 4BG?
Thank you so much in advance for any help you can provide. If you have any questions, or things you want to clarify please let me know.
I'm building a new gaming PC, and am looking for some feedback on my build. I would really appreciate any suggestions because I'm pretty new to this.
A. Build: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/user/kylecb/saved/#view=m66nTW
B. Main Questions:
1. I have a HP Blackbird Case – has a (a) disk drive, (b) a 900W power supply, and (c) two 320GB hard drives.
(a) I assume the disk drive is still usable.
(b) 900W PSU (listed in the build) - is a 900W PSU just a 900W PSU, or is there more to it?
(c) The hard drives isn't the exact ones (the ones I have are here: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148315R ). This is enough storage for me, but is not having an SSD a big deal for performance?
2. Have I selected good new parts to buy, or am I wasting money on certain ones, and not spending enough on others, etc?
(a) The GPU – I went with a cheap one from the from the "Best PC Builds" list since the other ones were quite expensive, but I have a feeling I might be going a bit too cheap on this. Will this be a big bottleneck? Ex. Should I spend an extra $100 and get something like: GeForce GTX 970 4BG?
Thank you so much in advance for any help you can provide. If you have any questions, or things you want to clarify please let me know.