Help building a computer


Aug 29, 2007
I'm looking to try building a computer if I can get some help please. I've looked at sites like pcspecialist for buying a gaming pc but they tend to work out very expensive for me. I'm looking something with a fast processor and maybe 32 or 64gb of ram and an up to date graphics card so that its future proof. I don't know if I'm being unrealistic as my budget is around £1000.
Can anyone offer me advice on this please?
Very very nice build :)
Just some things to consider:
About that wireless PCI card wifi, u may consider getting a USB stick adapter instead, that should make your airflow slighlty better and it will make sure nothing blocks the GPU's intake of air, but that depends on how u will set up the PCI card for the wifi i reckon if u give it some space its fine
PSU is good quality, GPU is very very good so is the MOBO
16gb of ram is a bit overkill at thte moment but it should help u "futureproof"
U may consider getting an SSD to get your OS in, its like 80pounds more but trust me, the speed at which your OS boots up when u turn on your computer is just soo much faster i would give those 80pounds, besides if u get a 120gb SSD U can maybe put...
Futureproofing is just a concept bro 😛
U dont need 32gb of ram, u should consider 16gb of ram if u run programs like CAD, Sony vegas and high end 3d editing a lot, 32 is just overkill and getting 64 gb of ram is a good way to get u away from a good GPU
As for the processor if u are gaming u should spend more on the GPU than on the CPU
For 1000pounds u can build a high end gaming pc
Thx for the responses and advice. Firstly yes it is for gaming alone and id always assumed the more RAM the better, I knew if need a good processor so I was thinking the 4th gen I7 was grand, as for graphics cards I know I need a good 1 but im unsure of which 1 will still be running games at full speed in 4 years time. And yes I will also need a monitor but Im not counting that in the £1000 budget.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (£173.82 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte G1.Sniper Z87 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£111.28 @ Ebuyer)
Memory: G.Skill Sniper Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory (£59.95 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk (£54.98 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£42.00 @ Aria PC)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 780 3GB Video Card (£369.59 @
Case: Corsair Graphite Series 230T Black ATX Mid Tower Case (£57.62 @ CCL Computers)
Power Supply: XFX 650W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£73.03 @ Ebuyer)
Optical Drive: Lite-On iHDS118-04 DVD/CD Drive (£10.78 @
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 - OEM (64-bit) (£85.51 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £1038.56
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-01-05 14:35 GMT+0000)

If you don't need the operating system, then you can exclude that. Also if you want to keep it under 1000 pounds, you can ditch the ssd or go for a cheaper motherboard
Thx Portuguese but will the i5 be fine for running games at full spec in the next 4 or 5 years? and I honestly know nothing about gpu's, whats the best option? and is it something I would just need to upgrade every 2 or 3 years?
an i5 will be fine, there arent a lot of CPU intensive games, and the ones that are like TW series, Starcraft and those kinds of games (mostly RTS's) run just fine on an i5, if u want an i5 that will last 4-5 years, u should get the 4670k coz that one u can overclock, but its kind of hard to say for SURE that this GPU or dat cpu will run for 4-5 years no problem, but it should because the new graphics engine like FB3 and all that have come out and this gen will likely last for at least 4 years
So about GPU's, the 4670k is about 200 dollars, so u are gonna need a high end GPU like a GTX 770 or an R9 280x (if u can find one thats not price inflated) , again both this cards might last u 4 years but i cant be 100% sure, they are cards designed to run 1440p games, i bought one myself, so that leaves u a little bit of margin on 1080p gaming because u got a card thats a bit overkill for that definition
ok ive went to pc specialist to purchase 1 now, here is what ive chosen:

intel i5 4670k
mobo - asus z87m-plus
Ram - 16gb Kingston dual DDR3 1600MHZ (2 X 8GB)
500GB 3.5 SATA-III
TOTAL: £943

Does all that seem ok? do I need a better case or better coolers? maybe higher psu? let me know your thoughts please?
Very nice build, again 16gb is a bit overkill but sure just stick with it
U need a high PSU, i would go for at least 500w, or 550w ones, and idd reccomend XFX more than corsair
As for the CPU cooler is u want to overclock your processor yes u need a better CPU than the stock one
Look for the Cooler master Hyper 212 evo, about 20-30 and tottaly worth it
The case? Corsair 200r, corsair 250r, nzxt phantom 410, some rosewill cases, haf912 (haf stands for high air flow) from coolermaster. all good sub-100pound cases
Consider getting an SSD to put your OS in and important programs like Antivirus, and getting a 1tb HDD (look for western digital, as long as its not caviar green its fine)
Thx for the help, the final build I went for is:

Optical Drive
1 x 24x DVD-RW Optical Drive £19.99

1 x 1TB (1000GB) Sata III Hard Drive £49.99

1 x Microsoft Windows 8.1 64bit £74.99

1 x £60 PC Build Charge, FREE UK Delivery, FREE Shockproof Packaging + FREE 1 Year Standard Warranty Package £59.99

1 x 300MBs Wireless PCI Card WiFi Network Adaptor £15.99

1 x Gigabyte Z87M-D3H Motherboard £84.99

1 x **10% OFF** 4.4GHz Intel Core i5 4670K 4-Core CPU *Overclocked* £175.99

1 x **10% OFF** Vibox Tactician Blue Gaming Case £42.99

1 x Zalman CNPS11X Extreme CPU Cooler £49.99

1 x XFX Pro Series 850W 80+ Bronze PSU £79.99

1 x 16GB Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz Gaming RAM £122.99
Graphics Card

1 x XFX AMD Radeon R9 290 4GB Graphics Card £314.99

Subtotal £910.73
Shipping & Handling £13.99
Tax £182.15
Grand Total £1,106.87

let me know what you think and if I need to make any serious changes please.
Very very nice build :)
Just some things to consider:
About that wireless PCI card wifi, u may consider getting a USB stick adapter instead, that should make your airflow slighlty better and it will make sure nothing blocks the GPU's intake of air, but that depends on how u will set up the PCI card for the wifi i reckon if u give it some space its fine
PSU is good quality, GPU is very very good so is the MOBO
16gb of ram is a bit overkill at thte moment but it should help u "futureproof"
U may consider getting an SSD to get your OS in, its like 80pounds more but trust me, the speed at which your OS boots up when u turn on your computer is just soo much faster i would give those 80pounds, besides if u get a 120gb SSD U can maybe put important programs there to speed them up, but its not necessary
U asked about changes, u dont really need to make any, that CPU cooler i would suggest something like a hyper 212 evo from coolermaster because i have excelllent experiences with them and the Hyper212 is awesome and a bit cheaper and gets the job done
But if u got with that build u are awesomly fit :)

Great choice on the PSU! Same as the CPU and GPU, looks like a pretty SOLID build to me!!!
Thx for your help and answers.
Do you's think it will play high end games like battlefield 4 on ultra settings with much difficulty?and would i need to overclock the gpu?

Also have you any advice on what monitor i should get for it?