Help buying computer system


May 19, 2015

I'm looking to buy a pre-built desktop computer system. The main requirements are good sound quality and general good speed. A dedicated graphics card isn't necessary.

Specs wise, I was thinking something along the lines of:
* 256 GB SSD (For OS)
* 1 / 2 TB HDD
* 8+ GB RAM
* Good CPU, not sure what
* Good on-board sound card

I think that's the main stuff. Do you know where I could find a pre-built computer system with specs along those lines? General operational speed is the main thing, things like fast boot up, loading of software and internet browsing. Good sound is the other main thing but that might just be down to good speakers, I'm not sure. Ideally I would like it for around €500 or less but maybe that's not reasonable, I'm not sure of the prices.

What do you think, can you recommend me anything for what I'm looking for? Thanks very much.

an i3 8100 is a quad core and can easily do what you want

pre-builts as a rule dont have good soundcards

at best mobo built in

easily fixed with a usb plug in dsp
take a look around online from big pc stores near you. as intel/amd keep dropping new cpu real fast there are a lot of clearance pc that have cpu chips that are only one gen old. if your handy you can over time update your pc when you have the funds. add a ssd or m2 drive and more ram or a sound card if your funds are limited. the asus and creative labs sound cards all you need to do is open the case and plug it in. on shopping for a pc spend a little more have someone build you a pc using stock parts. dell and hp now to save cost there using very small non stock sized cases and power supplys. makes it hard to upgrade them latter on. using a stock atx case and power supply as a base make it easy to upgrade latter on if needed.
I think I've found something good but can I get your feedback on it?

It's got:
* Intel Core i5-7400 (4 cores), 3GHz
* 128 GB SSD
* 1 TB HDD 7200 RPM
* NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 GPU
* Windows 10 64-bit

and it costs €629 on sale.

What do you think, is it a good deal? The only thing I'm wondering is whether or not the OS is installed on the SSD. It should be right? It would make sense to me that it is but the product description doesn't say either way. Anyway, could you please advise me on whether or not this is a good PC to get at this price. Thank you.
I wasn't worried about the SSD not working and the size isn't a big issue since it's just for the OS. What I'm wondering is if the OS will be installed on the SSD or the HDD. Also the GPU is basically irrelevant, it just happens to be there. There won't be much game playing on whatever I get.

Would you say it's a good deal?
You can try to search older systems. There is nice price for ivy platforms. I get i7-3770 + h77 + 16 gb ballistix ram for 200$. 400$/euro for other parts. You can get case for ~50$, psu for ~50$, 256 ssd + 1 tb ~ 100$, and gtx 1050 ti 4 gb and up for ~200$.

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