help! case of my laptop is open


Dec 17, 2013
i accidentaly dropped my laptop a while ago and i jusr realised that the bottom right corner opened up as if the screw came lose in the corner but when i try to tighten the screw it wont budge am i just weak or doing something wrong or is this a bigger problem

It's not necessarily a problem at all. It might just be a bit of a inconvenience to comfort depending on where you arm placement is, or it might just be an eyesore, but as long as the laptop is actually functioning well and the opening isn't so large or in-the-way that small objects could get in there, there's probably nothing wrong with it.

If you can't tighten the screw, well, I don't know what your laptop looks like or where the screw is in relation the rest of the laptop but it sounds like when your laptop fell, the chassis absorbed the majority of the kinetic energy. In doing so, it protected your parts but it might have deformed the screw which might explain why you can't move it. If that's the case and if the opening is large enough to be problematic in some way, you'll have to ask someone else or google around for how to remove a deformed screw, as that really isn't my forte. It doesn't sound like a big problem though considering that you just realized there was an opening which you couldn't see for a while.