Help checking my motherboard


Mar 31, 2015
Hi, i have msi z97 gaming 3 and while in gaming it suddenly shutdown by itself, and i can't power on my pc anymore, nothing, no fan spinning, no post no bios loaded, no light completely silent.

I have test that the psu fine i even test using other psu but still silent when i turned it on, but i don't have anyone to test my cpu or motherboard that have the problem. Yes I'm breadboarding this motherboard too and reset cmos, but I'm lack some buzzer (I don't think msi include this on the package) just blinking over and over if i hold the power on for more than 10second

So i just wondering normally what will happen if you power on your pc but none of the cpu or memory attach to it? Will the psu still running or case fan spinning, etc?

Paperclip test isn't the best test anyway. It tells nothing of the health of the PSU. The TX series, even the older TX series is usually pretty decent. Have you tried powering up with just the CPU and RAM connected to the motherboard (in addition to the power switch)? This would eliminate all peripherals and GPU as potential causes. (EDIT: This also means disconnected power wise as well.)

What is the rest of your build?

I'm pretty sure decent psu can post or at least go to bios with this type of motherboard, but in my case any psu can't power up this motherboard, i mean the psu not even respond at all just silent, no fans spinning but working on paperclip test and on other PC.
I'm not asking it's good or bad psu cos I'm not building new pc.
I just want to know what will happen if you power up motherboard with no cpu and memory install ed, the psu can still running? Can go to bios? Any display?
Cos the psu keep silent even I don't put any cpu and ram in there

What i test after turn the power on

Mobo only = psu no response
Mobo+ram = psu no response
Mobo+ram+cpu = psu no response

Anyone ever testing it?

Okay, I'll put the PSU talk to the side, I don't think its the problem anyhow. (I sort of has a "SQUIRREL!" moment when it came to the PSU anyway. ("SQUIRREL!" moment - got distracted and off the subject))

just for fun, where the power switch connects to the motherboard, short those two pins together for a moment. If there is nothing wrong with the switch, you should get the same results you have so far.

If you do get the same results disconnecting the power switch and shorting the two pins together momentarily, I have to start suspecting the motherboard as the fans should have ran anyway. The motherboard may have developed a short in it.