Help choosing monitor!


Jan 12, 2015
Man oh man did they make things complicated with all the different names to monitors!

So I'm looking for a pretty standard 60-75hz 1080p monitor for gaming since my budget is only around 200€ and I've managed to narrow it down to Asus and Benq. The issue is that Asus has a gazillion different versions that I have no clue about the differences, I could read the specs all day by my brain has pretty much melted so I'm asking for some help! 😀

I'll link the monitors here. (note the sites are Finnish but the specs should still be readable normally.)






Those are the ones I've been looking at the most, the price varies from 139-199€ so what are the main differences between these? Also if you can suggest better ones please go ahead! ^^

They have different dynamic ranges, connections and panels.
The ve248hr is the best one of the lot, with better colours (as far as a TN goes), and better connections.
I highly recommend that you save up for a 1080p 144hz monitor though. They offer a much bigger difference in performance compared to 60hz 1080p.
Some good models to look out for include the Asus VG248QE and the BenQ XL2411Z. They go for about 100 euros more at this store, but i'm sure you could find a better deal online.

The VN had a 80million:1 contrast though and the VE a 10million:1 at least from what I read? Or is there a difference other than the numbers?
Also is the 139€ price of the VS model low enough to compete even if it's not as good?
An extra 100€ for 144hz might be out of my range atm, and as I'm considering getting a GTX 1060 or R8 480 will those even push 144fps maxed out on most games?
I'll have to think on it. But thanks for the reply!

That's another point I forgot to mention. :)
The contrast on the cheaper monitor is pretty bad, and will not do very well in general use and media viewing.
Something of the 1060 or RX 480 will easily push 144hz maxed on E-Sports titles, and even some less demanding games.
Hell, I used a GTX 680 with a 144hz monitor for ages waiting for a 980ti, and it got 300fps+ on CS:GO maxed, and Battlefield 4 got 150fps+ on high and ultra.
That's less than half the performance of an RX480 or 1060 for reference.
100% worth it, every time.
You'll eventually end up upgrading to a 144hz+ panel, and I can tell you that you'll regret not getting one when you experience it! :)
Save up for a month or so and snag the VG248QE imo. Well worth it.
If you are really intent on buying out of all of those, the BenQ RL2455HM is the best one out of the list in my opinion, better features and responsiveness compared to the others.

Sorry I fell asleep and couldn't reply! But how exactly does contrast work then? Because some monitors say they have something like 10.000.000:1 or 12.000.000:1 contrast and yet they could be better than monitors with 50.000.000:1 or 80.000.000:1? Like you said the VE248HR had best contrast but it's only 10M:1, and the cheap one has 50M:1. :??:

But if the 144hz really does make a noticeable difference then I guess I'll wait for a while longer to see if I can grab one for a little cheaper. Would you say the Asus one is better than the Benq one?

Haha, 😛
I'd say that they are both roughly on par with each other.
They are similar panels with good response times and decent colors for TNs.
Do some digging around on prices at local online retailers to see if you can get a cheap price for one of them! :)
The contrast ratio is essentially the ratio of the brightest color (white) to black that the system is capable of producing.
Higher contrast ratio = better variation in picture lighting pretty much.

Alright thanks for all the answers and tips! :)


No problem! :)
Trust me, once you go 144hz you never go back!