Help - Computer is freezing/hanging during gaming, I've tried everything.


Jun 23, 2008
MSI P67A-GD65 (B3)
Intel i7-2600k
NVIDIA GTX 980 (GTX 580 currently installed)

I've been having an issue when gaming. They're either crashes or hangs, whatever you want to call them. Both screens will freeze, but sound continues playing. The computer is completely unresponsive to any input/Crtl-Alt-Delt/etc. This never corrects itself and the computer just stays like this. Usually happens 20-30 min after starting gaming, but I've gone through patches when it won't happen for three hours of gaming straight. This happens both on the latest newest graphics intense games like GTA 5 and Witcher 3 as well as older stuff.

I feel like I've tried EVERYTHING. Here's everything I've tried/inspected (I'll add that both CPU and GPU are running at stock factory settings. The GPU does have a modest factory EVGA "superclock" overclock):

- Power. My first power supply was a seven year old Antec one. I replaced it with a brand new EVGA.

- Temperature. Temps were the second thing I checked. I checked temps. GPU temps were normal under load. CPU temps were running in the mid to high 70s and the max temp for my CPU is 72.5C. I pulled the cooler off and replaced the thermal paste (it was all dried up) and temps returned to normal.

- Deleted GeForce Experience because some said it breaks setups.

- Deleted all previous versions of NVIDIA drivers. There were some four years worth (9GB!). Fresh install of latest NVIDIA driver.

- Ran Memtest multiple times and passed.

- Ran chkdsk on all my hard drives and no errors detected.

- Reseeded all sticks of RAM and the GPU.

- Windows Event Viewer shows no drivers failing or anything during these crashes/hangs.

- Inspected the motherboard for any leaked or exploded capacitors and didn't see anything.

- Finally, I decided something must be wrong with my GTX 980. I got RMA authorization from EVGA and pulled it out and was running my GTX 580 (which worked well for me before) and suddenly it STILL was doing it.

Any ideas? South or northbridge failing? BIOS issues? It's literally only been going on for a month or so. The fact that it's not BSODing leads me to believe it's a driver issue but Windows Event Viewer isn't showing anything failing, so I'm suspecting motherboard failing?

Think it could be an overheating northbridge? That's my #1 suspect right now.

Unfortunately it's out of warranty and I don't think they'll RMA it.
well you can try silenx ixn-40c. i bought one the other day and it mad a enormous difference with my northbridge temperatures.

you can monitor temps with hwinfo and look up where your temps should be at with your board. if your vrm/mosfet is too hot to that can cause problems. dont see why that would be the issue unless you are overclocking high.

if that doesnt work...
with motherboard issues you need to rule everything else out pretty much.
heres ideas but not in any sort of order if you want to pin down mobo problems.
I know you've tried some.

-remove all overclocks
-reset bios to default
-swap psu
-swap gpu
-remove all peripherals other than keyboard and mouse
-check all wired connections
-run a full range diagnostic program on your hardware
-reinstall os
-disconnect non essential fans, pci/pcie cards, hard drives, cd drives, etc.
-clear dust if accumulated
-reseat processor, ram, gpu