Help connecting an xbox 360 to a DVI Monitor


Jul 10, 2011

Not sure exactly where this belongs, but I'm putting it here as a start. I recently hooked up my xbox to my PC monitor using an HDMI to DVI adapter. It works fine, but the visuals don't appear to be in HD. The guide seems a bit fuzzy and Halo 4 seems to look worse on this screen than it does on my TV. I also don't have the "HDTV Settings" option like I would normally have when I use my Xbox on my TV. I know that DVI and HDMI are basically the same thing though, and am trying to figure out if maybe I'm just crazy or if theres a way I can improve the visual quality. For reference, here is the monitor I have- [...] kfriday-20[1][1]

And this is the adapter I'm using- [...] 4Aodh1YA7A[2][2]

Any and all help is appreciated!
hmm, I may try that, I'm not sure that cable is compatible, however because I have one of the slim model 360's. The older and bulkier cable may not fit. Amazon sells a HDMI to DVI cable, no adapter required. I wonder if that may work.
Make sure under your console settings you have set your video to match that of the native resolution of your monitor, it looks like 1920x1080 in your case.

If all of that is fine, it might just be that you are noticing more aliasing and blur etc. because you are sitting so close to the screen compared to viewing on your t.v. from your couch. Additionally it could be your monitor does not have a very good upscaler compared to your t.v. and is making things appear to be not as sharp as on your t.v.

That's what I'm starting to think is the issue honestly.