Help convincing parents...


Jun 22, 2014
First of all, I have no clue where this belongs, or if it even belongs on this forum (Though I've seen similar threads in the past)

Alright, so I have a PC that can run recent games pretty decently and have been wanting to purchase a Wii U to go along with it (Pikmin, SSB, Starfox, Zelda, Mariokart). I got my first summer job and have already saved enough money to purchase one, so money isn't an issue. The problem is that out of nowhere my brother came home with a Wii U last week and is leaving with it to college in about a month. Now my parents are saying I don't need one even though I'm going to never see it. I understand their argument "I shouldn't drop $300+ on a console that I'll be able to play with every summer". However, I'm saying pretty much the same thing, that "I'll only see it 3 months out of the year". At this point, I'm really just looking for some feedback on what to do to help my side of this stalemate.

PS: Oh, and I don't want an Xbox or PS4
Well I did try to give you some ideas in the message.
1: Tell them you will regret it if you purchase something different than what you really want and that the Wii U is what you want.
2: Tell them that the Wii U games are so good that you will want to play them all year rather than just for the summer.
3: Tell them the purchase is justifiable because of all the fun you would have with the Wii U through those extra 9 months and you don't want to miss out on that.
Those were the main 3 ideas that I was trying to convey to you in my last message.

Since when does Smash Bros create relationships? At this point this is all I got... so anything else?
So your brother is taking his Wii off to college in a month.

Play some games with your brother on his Wii while he is here -- or ask to play and get told 'no'). Whatever one suits the bond you & your brother have.

AFTER your brother leaves and takes the Wii with him, re-approach your parents and ask to buy your own.

Yeah, the plan is to buy one after he leaves, it's just that if they're already telling me that he'll come back for a few weeks between semesters and for 3 months during his summer so I can't get one. I'm more looking for an argument to get one after he leaves.

I doubt it's just gonna be a "Hey... so now it's gone can I get one?", which I why I made this topic
I think you should definitely buy a Wii U so you can have one of your own. It's what you want to buy with your money and if you end up getting something else you will probably regret it because you didn't get what you really wanted. The Wii U has some of the best exclusives that have been released this generation and most of the games have excellent replay value so you will want to play them all year round rather than just for the summer. I know if I only got to play Super Smash brothers or Mario Kart 8 just for the summer I'd be pretty upset about it. Oh and definitely get a Wii U if you want to play Super Mario Maker when it comes out. I'm very excited for that game myself. In fact there are lots of games coming out soon for Wii U that I'm excited for. The Wii U has some very good games and some of those games are so good that you will probably play them for years. I still play the first Super Mario Bros and it's 30 years old. That's how good Nintendo's games are. Now if I could only play some of my favorite games just for a quarter of the year I would not like that one bit. If I was in your situation I'd buy a Wii U for myself and I can say it would definitely be worth it. Think of all the fun you could have with a Wii U and tell me if it is worth it to be able to keep having that much fun for the whole year rather than just for the summer. Oh yes it's worth it to me at least. Worth every penny.
@theonerm2 Thanks for the reply! I grew up with Nintendo (mostly the pokemon games), so it would be a great way to get to play some of the new games, even if they've been out for a year :/

Do you have any ideas on how I should try to convince my parents into letting me buy one?
Well I did try to give you some ideas in the message.
1: Tell them you will regret it if you purchase something different than what you really want and that the Wii U is what you want.
2: Tell them that the Wii U games are so good that you will want to play them all year rather than just for the summer.
3: Tell them the purchase is justifiable because of all the fun you would have with the Wii U through those extra 9 months and you don't want to miss out on that.
Those were the main 3 ideas that I was trying to convey to you in my last message.
its a rather easy situation.

basically this: who's money is it? yours.

you worked hard to get the money by yourself by getting a job so ultimately what is done with the money is your decision.

them trying to tell you what you can and cannot do is a bit limiting on your freedom and really is not fair considering your brother was free to do the same exact thing himself.

while i could understand if you wanted to use the money for something they were totally against and them forbidding it but this is not the case. i could also see them wanting for you to not waste money however their argument isn't valid considering only 3 months out of the year he will be home for you to play. if they cannot see the truth of all of that, perhaps they need to take a step back and re-evaluate how they are looking at it.