So i just found out my cpu seems to be under-clocked, i searched around the web a bit and realized its somehow running on the lowest multiplier.
I tried searching my bios to the increase the multiplier to 24 but i couldnt find it. In the bios it looks like the highest i can make my bus speed is around 160ish. I'm not sure what I should do or if its even possible to bring it back up to 3.0ghz. The bios reads the cpu temp at 16C not sure is that correct but it sounds about right because its under-clocked. So I need your help!
I tried searching my bios to the increase the multiplier to 24 but i couldnt find it. In the bios it looks like the highest i can make my bus speed is around 160ish. I'm not sure what I should do or if its even possible to bring it back up to 3.0ghz. The bios reads the cpu temp at 16C not sure is that correct but it sounds about right because its under-clocked. So I need your help!