Help decided between 2 motherboards


Sep 19, 2014
I can get an MSI z77 gd65 or a GA-Z68X-UD7-B3 for extremely good prices. I'm upgrading to have a mobo with sli capability and good overclocking for my i5. Which do I go with? The GA-Z68X-UD7-B3 deal is only slightly more expensive and not an issue.
The GD65 is a VERY good board. I am using the GD65 gaming right now and LOVE it. Best board I have ever used. VERY good for overclocking. It is not bad at all. Do not let anyone tell you anything MSI is bad. That had a bad run like 6 years ago but it has all been fixed and they make some of the highest quality mobos, GPUs, and other integrated circuit products.

Why anyone would spend $400+ for the VII Formula is beyond me. It's just a slightly upgraded Hero with the Sabertooth Mark 1 armor. Just get an MSI Z97-GD65 and call it a day

I've got an i5 2500k @ 4.6ghz on a 3 year old MSI P67A-C43 (B3). I just want a reliable mobo that can OC and will allow me to SLI with my 770.

*No SLI on my MSI P67A-C43 (B3)
The GD65 is a VERY good board. I am using the GD65 gaming right now and LOVE it. Best board I have ever used. VERY good for overclocking. It is not bad at all. Do not let anyone tell you anything MSI is bad. That had a bad run like 6 years ago but it has all been fixed and they make some of the highest quality mobos, GPUs, and other integrated circuit products.

Awesome, thanks for the help man.

Shouldn't you use a z97 board?


I don't hate MSI, but I've heard that a lot of their older mobos are bad. Now MSI seems to be on par with Asrock and Gigabyte