Help deciding on resistors for leds

john henry 5678

Aug 3, 2017
hey guys ,
im getting a few leds for a case mod im doing but dont know what resistors to use. 4 the power soure im useing i will be tapping into the xbox 360"s hdd and idk how many vols that is.
the leds im using r mulit color 5mm. the link is here

i think i should use 1/4 watt 100 ohm resistors but im not sure i think they r to big. any help?

As well i will be making a controller mod with the 3mm leds what resistors should i use? the power suorce will b 2X AA batterys ..
fyii will be using 2leds on the hdd and 2 on the controller
thnx for any help guys😀 il be active looking for replys cuz im buying parts tonight

why waiting 4 an answer i found these and think they might work:d but im not sure i cud b complety wrong plz leme know im ordering soon

ok i might hav been unclear i apoligize
im making a case mod with leds and a window in the case and the disc drive and the hdd. and 2 leds in the controler
the led stripps for the case will be ran off of a ubs cable and wont need resistors.
the leds in the disc drive wil be ran off of the black cables in the back of the disck drive the will b red and 5 mm X4
the leds in the hdd will be ran off of the power cable in the hdd the leds will b 5 mm red X2
the leds in the controller will be ran off of the batterys for the controller and will have blue or red 3mm X2
i dont hav a multi meter tho🙁
should i run the leds in the disk drive be ran from the usb as well as the strip leds? im running a small pc fan for the gpu on the usb to .
im open for options and if u guys need any info from the build leme know and il provide all i can 😀
i have studied some more and i think these will work for me

due to the lack of resopce and time esence of time i haeve got some 1/4 watt 100ohm 5% resistors and some 56 of the same and some 46 of the same i hope this was right. i wanted to wait but my friend wanted to order soon so i had to

yes? no? i think i should get some 100ohm of these and some 56ohm . is this right?
and thnx Ralston18 for being so helpfull and fast to rsopond 😀
What voltages do the LED's require? Would expect them to be in the 2.5 to 3.5 volt range...

Depending on size (i.e., 5mm) and color.

Can you sketch out a circuit diagram of the resistors, LEDs, voltages, power sources, etc..

Do you have a multi-meter to measure the Xbox power source? Would expect 12 v for power, 5 v for data.

Also, you say that that the power source is to be the power connection for a Xbox HDD but then say you will be using 2 AA batteries.
Question: "hdd" is the hard drive and then your "disc drive" is an optical drive - correct?

Part of it all is how you wire the LEDs and resistors: e.g. parallel or serial.

Do not believe that you should tap into the drive power supplies to provide LED power per se.

You might be able to use an unused molex connector or molex splitter to provide power to the drive via one branch and all the LEDs via the other branch.

I would be a bit leery about running too much of a load on the motherboard's USB.

Truly some wiring/circuit diagrams will help - just label every component and show its spec's.

All too easy to create some voltage or current related problems. With bad results thereafter.

heres the link for the hdd led mod methed i will b using. only i will be using the origanal hdd

heres the link for led mod for the optical disc drive im using . only i wanted to use X4(maybe 6) 5m red leds i wil be running off of the dvd power cable as shown in the video

hers the link for the case strip light leds (they wont need resistor i think) i wil be running off of usb back ran into the concole

here the link for the controller mod im useing
hope these help show u what im doing (parralle/ serial ) i think they will all b serial but i truely dont know im sure u will b able to c what they r in the vidds