HELP! Did I delete Windows partition?


Aug 15, 2016

I was using gparted to make some partitions on an sd card for Android. That wasn't working, so I saw a suggestion to use partition mini tool.

I used my gf's laptop with Windows 8 and downloaded partition mini tool. It loaded up and said 2 drives were present. 1 had multiple partition with 600gb and had ntfs, my gf's hdd.

The other, disk 2 also said around 600 gb, (it's a 32gb sd card) but listed the fat16 and the various ext partitions I had made and the correct size.

I deleted the fat partition that was 4 gb, under disk 2. It said it was currently in use and needed to restart the application. I thought it was weird but said ok. Then Windows starts shutting down and restarts.

Now when I turn on the laptop, Windows won't boot. I tried a system restore but it just hangs there with no progress meter.

What are my options here? Is it likely all her files are gone?

It then gives me the option to restart or advanced options.

In advanced options, the options are to continue to Windows, use a device or Windows recovery dvd, troubleshoot, or turn off the pc.

Under troubleshoot, the options are refresh your pc, reset your pc and advanced options.

Finally under advanced options are system restore, system image recovery, startup repair, command prompt, UEFI firmware settings and startup settings.

I've tried system restore and startup repair and both said unsuccessful.

Refresh might work. But it may wipe existing data. And/or it may require a Windows disk.

But yes, you've accidentally deleted something critical.
Refresh says your personal files won't change and afterwards you have to goto the Windows store to reinstall Windows 8.1 and your apps, reinstall your other apps from discs and websites, and then install Windows update.

I'll give it a try.