I have ordered pieces for a new build. I am NOT A GAMER at all, but will do some video editing (Premiere) and photo editing (Photoshop). I have completely overspent what I intended, and have zero $$$ left, but after plowing through many articles on Tom's and some other sites I cannot help but feel like I should really consider a SSD for boot drive and media editing programs. I am going to overclock the processor of course, maybe the graphics card (not sure about that). I am also thinking of using an external HDD as a scratch drive for my media editing.
The whole caching/raid thing is too much for my tiny brain! I want the fastest/efficient build I can get at this point.
I LOVE this site, but I am such a neophyte, I am having great trouble following a) the pros and cons of a SSD vs. just relying on my HDD; and b) whether a mediocre SSD is better than none. Check out my build, what do you think I should do? (And, no--I cannot swap out any of the already bought parts at this point)
I have read pretty clearly here that at below $100. spending point, the SSD are pretty mediocre. And, the newegg rebate/discount item http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820139421&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL083011&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL083011-_-EMC-083011-Index-_-SSD-_-20139421-L02D is $65. after rebate. (I realize this is a mediocre drive, but is it worth $65?)
Basics (Z68 w/i5-2500K, plenty of memory) -- details below...
Thank you VERY much for your help, I am indebted to you for your passion/knowledge
motherboard ASRock Z68 PRO3-M http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157252&nm_mc=OTC-Froogle&cm_mmc=OTC-Froogle-_-Motherboards+-+Intel-_-ASRock-_-13157252
cpu Intel Core i5-2500K Sandy Bridge http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115072
graphics card GIGABYTE Radeon HD6570 1GB
psu antec vp 450 http://www.amazon.com/Antec-Cost-Efficient-Tower-Case-VSK-2450/dp/B003MQLRL0/ref=sr_1_31?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1313312597&sr=1-31&tag=vglnk-c1001-20
cabinet Antec Mid Tower Case VSK-2450 http://www.amazon.com/Antec-Cost-Efficient-Tower-Case-VSK-2450/dp/B003MQLRL0/ref=sr_1_31?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1313312597&sr=1-31&tag=vglnk-c1001-20
hard drive WD Caviar Black 1.5 TB http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004CSIFG2/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&seller=
ram Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR3 (12800) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233198
monitor 23" SAMSUNG 2333T http://www.quill.com/samsung-widescreen-monitors/cbs/244268.html?cm_mmc=CSE_GGL_244268
dvd drive LITE-ON 22X DVD±R DVD Burner http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827106281
OS Windows 7 home 64bit http://trinitysoftwaredistribution.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Store_Code=TSD&Screen=PROD&Product_Code=GFC-00599-dell
cooler Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus http://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-Hyper-Sleeve-RR-B10-212P-G1/dp/B002G1YPH0/ref=dp_cp_ob_pc_title_1?tag=vglnk-c1001-20
The whole caching/raid thing is too much for my tiny brain! I want the fastest/efficient build I can get at this point.
I LOVE this site, but I am such a neophyte, I am having great trouble following a) the pros and cons of a SSD vs. just relying on my HDD; and b) whether a mediocre SSD is better than none. Check out my build, what do you think I should do? (And, no--I cannot swap out any of the already bought parts at this point)
I have read pretty clearly here that at below $100. spending point, the SSD are pretty mediocre. And, the newegg rebate/discount item http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820139421&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL083011&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL083011-_-EMC-083011-Index-_-SSD-_-20139421-L02D is $65. after rebate. (I realize this is a mediocre drive, but is it worth $65?)
Basics (Z68 w/i5-2500K, plenty of memory) -- details below...
Thank you VERY much for your help, I am indebted to you for your passion/knowledge
motherboard ASRock Z68 PRO3-M http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157252&nm_mc=OTC-Froogle&cm_mmc=OTC-Froogle-_-Motherboards+-+Intel-_-ASRock-_-13157252
cpu Intel Core i5-2500K Sandy Bridge http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115072
graphics card GIGABYTE Radeon HD6570 1GB
psu antec vp 450 http://www.amazon.com/Antec-Cost-Efficient-Tower-Case-VSK-2450/dp/B003MQLRL0/ref=sr_1_31?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1313312597&sr=1-31&tag=vglnk-c1001-20
cabinet Antec Mid Tower Case VSK-2450 http://www.amazon.com/Antec-Cost-Efficient-Tower-Case-VSK-2450/dp/B003MQLRL0/ref=sr_1_31?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1313312597&sr=1-31&tag=vglnk-c1001-20
hard drive WD Caviar Black 1.5 TB http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004CSIFG2/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&seller=
ram Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR3 (12800) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233198
monitor 23" SAMSUNG 2333T http://www.quill.com/samsung-widescreen-monitors/cbs/244268.html?cm_mmc=CSE_GGL_244268
dvd drive LITE-ON 22X DVD±R DVD Burner http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827106281
OS Windows 7 home 64bit http://trinitysoftwaredistribution.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Store_Code=TSD&Screen=PROD&Product_Code=GFC-00599-dell
cooler Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus http://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-Hyper-Sleeve-RR-B10-212P-G1/dp/B002G1YPH0/ref=dp_cp_ob_pc_title_1?tag=vglnk-c1001-20