Help finding a link to a WIN PE with utilities


Mar 2, 2016
A while ago, someone on this board gave me a link to a WIN PE10 ISO that had tons of utilities on it. I made a thumb drive out of it but recently I accidentally deleted it. I have searched my computers but cant find the ISO. I have also searched the forums and my old posts, but can't seem to find it.Can someone please give me a link. The one I'm talking about has Macrium, and all of the good applications. Thanks
Thanks guys, I found it. check it out. It's really good.

Regards, Jim
Thanks mcnumpty, that is good, but it's not the one I'm seeking. The one I had included many more utilities. On the desktop it had a howling wolf. Do you know of one like that? Regards, Jim
I'm not sure which one you're referring to. Personally, I'd toss the Windows PE altogether and go with a Linux live rescue build. My personal favorite is the Sparky Linux Rescue Edition. Has a bunch of nice utilities built in.