Help finding a pc system that can be set horizontally?

Oct 2, 2018
Hi, im looking for a pc system in the price of: 400 to 700 dollars that can be set in horizontally?

is there anything like that out there with this price?

Im hoping to play games like: Assassin creed, Middle earth, Elder scrolls, Wolfenstein, Quake, Doom, Halo, Stalker & etc?.

thank you.
It's pretty hard to find pre-built pizza box style PCs. If you want to build a PC, Silverstone ( has that style of PC case. What's the particular reason you need a pizza box style PC?

the reason is, cause i have a desktop that runs well, But crashes time to time.

plus, i want to have a pc that looks like a console pizza box style, but mainly plays pc games.

i hear they run pretty well compared to desktops.

i like it when all the parts that i need would be already intact, but already optimized to play certain games depending on what games you want to run.

But, im not sure on how many companies are out there making these things like msi and asus are.

So, a PC with a horizontal orientation works better than one that is horizontal? I hope you are just wording your statement incorrectly. Orientation would make no difference.

yes i made my statement incorrectly somehow.


i should have just said "i prefer horizontal ones".

OK so you are looking for a prebuilt PC with a Horizontal case.

No systems come optimized for specific games. You will have to pick the PC that exceeds system requirements for the games you want to play,

Sorry for the late reply, been busy.

so how would i know if it runs if there are no certain requirements for the games of the system that needs to be run at?
Take a look at system requirements for the games you want to play, don't look at just the minimum, also look at the recommended. Then as long as you have something in between that you'll be able to play them.


Good question. I remembered seeing this particular one when searching for prebuilts for another forum member. Don't buy based on my post, I just wanted you to see the option. Do your do diligence and research it.