>>Help for 144 Hz gaming (yet another one!)


Mar 3, 2015
Hello community, im currently having an i5 6600k along with a gtx 980. Im thinking of 1080p 144 hz gaming. So after a bit of research i've found these 2 gsync monitors on the same price:

1) Acer XB270H Abprz Black 27"
link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009657
2) BenQ XL2420G Black 24”
link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824014412

Besides the inches i cannot tell any difference between those 2 and i need your help choosing OR suggesting me one other! Thanks in advance :)
Due to the amount of misconceptions on this website regarding GSync. I just wanted to drop in and say that GSync is no different from VSync except GSync adds such a small amount of input lag that it's not even noticeable. Though while it does remove the stutter, 99% of gamers are used to this and learned to ignore. A lot of people think that GSync will automatically run as smooth as if you would max your framerate. And also, the screen tearing part... If you can push 100+ FPS in games, trust me, you won't be able to notice screen tearing. GSync is popular because the manufacurers don't havea 1080 IPS 144 out on the market, so GSync is required at the higher resolution, even if you're using 2 graphics cards, which majority of us doesn't have...

So g sync in 1080p 144hz is kinda of marketing? Well if im to pick a 144 hz monitor without g sync support im gonna save a lot of money.