Help for a friend


Nov 20, 2013
So a couple days ago I ordered a 8320 and a gtx 760 thanks to the people here \ friend who I seen today has a pretty ok built he has a

8gb ddr3 ram
corsair 650 watts
amd fx 6350
and a gtx 650

he wants to upgrade to the gtx 760 cuz I got one coming

will his amd 6350 bottleneck the 760?
Does he have a stock cooler? If yes then don't overclock. Would highly recommend getting an aftermarket cpu cooler because they are so cheap and for most coolers you will see such a big temperature change from stock to aftermarket

could you link me to an example of a cheap cooler
there is no reason to get a watercooler unless you're overclocking like 1.2ghz and it should also be abit complicated to get one installed so i would just recommend a simple air aftermarket cooler that will also run your card very cool