help for COMPACT gaming config


Nov 22, 2014
Hello everybody,

I would like to get you help for a gaming config that takes minimal space.

I already have the peripherals (this monitor but I have very limited space and it is likely my PC tower will have to stay on my desk (not on the ground as it is common).

I am a bit lost nowadays with the video cards, but I would like a config that is:

- compact
- able to run the latest FPS without with a good level of video rendering (that is, without the need to downgrade all the video settings to poor just to get a barely acceptable frame per second)

What are the minimum $$$ I need to spend to get that (and what is the corresponding config)? I am not into overcloking and getting nerd stuff. I just want a config that gets the job done: just run your fav FPS and enjoy. Any ideas?


If you already bought the graphics card, Then its fine but if you have the tiny bit amount of money to spend then the RX 470 8gb version that RCFProd recommended would be better: Otherwise its fine. but the only difference of building in a...
This configuration could be of use (I'll leave choice of storage empty, up to the user for SSD/HDD):

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($302.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: MSI H110I Pro Mini ITX LGA1151 Motherboard ($69.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: Kingston FURY 16GB (1 x 16GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($75.98 @ PCM)
Video Card: PowerColor Radeon RX 480 4GB Red Dragon Video Card ($191.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Fractal Design Define Nano S Mini ITX Desktop Case ($54.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic S12II 620W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($49.99 @ B&H)
Total: $745.93
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-12-26 12:48 EST-0500

not really video editing, most for first person shooting games. I want to have fun with nice graphics. I dont need to run everything in ULTRA at 900fps.
Wouldn't the Fractal Nano S be better since it would take less space on your desktop? Thing is, if It's for the Thermaltake V21 case, you could build a mid tower ATX build with the same with of a Thermaltake V21 case. Or is height more important?

This build should be relatively quiet, I'm not 100% sure if the stock cooler it comes with is more quiet then the Cryorig H7 but it will keep it cooler thats for sure, It's hard to keep noise down in small form factor builds. I put a rx 470 there as I don't think you will need anything more powerful than that for 60fps 1080p on ultra especially with that CPU. Also left storage open for option of just an SSD or a mixture. (edit) the RX480 in RCFProd's build would be a better buy than this rx 470.

thanks a couple remarks. isnt the video card a bit on the weak side ( 4GB???

4GB Vram is most likely going to be enough for all First Person Shooters. It's never really about the memory though there is a lot more that goes into it 😛 The only thing I don't like about that 480 over the 470 is its from a brand not bought alot. Powercolor ehhh... It's probably fine just I wouldn't buy it myself.

hehe which one would you buy then? 😀
Powercolor is fine, but maybe not ''silent''. The MSI Gaming X graphics cards for AMD Polaris is the most silent one, could try the RX 470 8GB version.

Video Card: MSI Radeon RX 470 8GB Gaming X Video Card ($209.99 @ B&H)
Total: $209.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-12-26 13:15 EST-0500

Overall though, performance 190 dollars for an RX 480 4GB is undeniably great value.

thanks buddy so that is your complete build then? which SSD would you add?
I'd probably go with this just feels safer, It may be a "Series" down in peoples eyes. but looking into it, it has relatively the same exact specs as the powercolor rx 480 and it's a high rated GPU from looking at the reviews everyone seems happy with the purchase. My brother runs a 1050 TI which isn't as good as the RX 470 and he gets over 60 frames on every FPS he plays. even with an FX 8350, which your CPU would be much better 😛 and GPU would be bout 10% better so you would and should have no issues regarding frames.
OK guys I went for Kavint's config with

- Samsung 850 EVO 500GB 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-75E500B/AM)
- MSI GAMING Radeon RX 470 GDDR5 8GB CrossFire FinFET DirectX 12 Graphics Card (RX 470 GAMING X 8G)

does that seem reasonable? Also, I never built a micro ATX computer. Are there some specific difficulties here? (say always start with this, dont do that, etc)?

Thanks guys!!

If you already bought the graphics card, Then its fine but if you have the tiny bit amount of money to spend then the RX 470 8gb version that RCFProd recommended would be better: Otherwise its fine. but the only difference of building in a micro ATX case is the tiny amount of space you have to work in, so cable management could be a big annoyance. Overall I don't think you will have many problems working with the case I recommended. its pretty easy to work in. Just make sure you do all the cable management after everything is installed.
