Help for which generation to go with.


Oct 28, 2016

I hope everyone is going okay, ill be buying some pc stuff soon and my old one broke so I need some ideas of what to go with.

The items I still have are a power supply (cs650m) and a gpu (1050).

Now here's the most important thing, I mostly game on my pc, and now m deciding to record some gameplays and use some or the abode softwares, like premier pro for editing vids and photoshop, I was interested in learning Maya and 3d modeling stuff, so what cpu should I go with?

I know i7 would be the fastest and everything but I don't mind waiting a bit for things to render, I just do everything for fun, so should I how ith i5 or i7 oh and budget is kind of an issue, I need to buy mobo ram cpu case and gpu, I say gpu cuz I want to play games at ultra or high settings at least at 60fps 1080p.

If I go with i5 I can basically get the case mobo ram gpu and CPU but if I how with i7 I cant get a new case and a gpu, so what do you guys think would be more important to me?

Also m on phone I m not getting an option to have this thread as a discussion. I have like 2 days before I buy my pc stuff.

Thankyou and ill be waiting for your replies :)