Hey guys,, i have been looking and reading the last 2 days all over the internet for finding out what to do,
i just wanna tell you a little about my situation before i start..
I have a macbook pro mid 2012 13" , i then just got the Call of duty ghost and i was founding out my mac is not able to run it because of the RAM and the graphic card, so in the start i was wondering if i just should upgrade it, but i kind of ran away from that idea cause it just seems easyier to buy a new laptop…. My problem and question is now that i have read and searched the last 2 days non stop on the internet cause i am a true rookie to computers and i am really bad to it , and i don't have any knowledge about it at all, and everybody online have some kind of opinion for what is the best gaming pc, so i had just made this profile for hope for you guys help and expertise…
Im a boy that travels a lot so i need it to be a laptop even i know that they're expensive gamer computers.. i also want the computer to run smoothly and run all the games i wanna, also in the future, i have a link on a alienware and a macbook pro i have thought about buying for my new laptop, but as i was saying i don't have a clue, so i was really hoping you guys could help me ..
Here is the link for the alienware the one that i thought about was the one for 1.799$. http://www.dell.com/us/p/alienware-17/pd.aspx
Here is the link for the macbook pro : http://www.dba.dk/macbook-pro-15-retina-27/id-1004637238/
i do know that the mac in this link is used but its the same one i was thinking about just from new, i know its not on english but i couldn't find one with same specs on english so hope you can read the specs in it anyway..
The big question for a million is now, Guys… Which laptop is the freaking best for gaming and normal use and which one will you guys have chosen if you was making the choice…… I also have in my mind that the macbook is a lot thinner and do not weight the same as the alienware does,,,, but i really need your help on this one guys.. Thanks for your time
i just wanna tell you a little about my situation before i start..
I have a macbook pro mid 2012 13" , i then just got the Call of duty ghost and i was founding out my mac is not able to run it because of the RAM and the graphic card, so in the start i was wondering if i just should upgrade it, but i kind of ran away from that idea cause it just seems easyier to buy a new laptop…. My problem and question is now that i have read and searched the last 2 days non stop on the internet cause i am a true rookie to computers and i am really bad to it , and i don't have any knowledge about it at all, and everybody online have some kind of opinion for what is the best gaming pc, so i had just made this profile for hope for you guys help and expertise…
Im a boy that travels a lot so i need it to be a laptop even i know that they're expensive gamer computers.. i also want the computer to run smoothly and run all the games i wanna, also in the future, i have a link on a alienware and a macbook pro i have thought about buying for my new laptop, but as i was saying i don't have a clue, so i was really hoping you guys could help me ..
Here is the link for the alienware the one that i thought about was the one for 1.799$. http://www.dell.com/us/p/alienware-17/pd.aspx
Here is the link for the macbook pro : http://www.dba.dk/macbook-pro-15-retina-27/id-1004637238/
i do know that the mac in this link is used but its the same one i was thinking about just from new, i know its not on english but i couldn't find one with same specs on english so hope you can read the specs in it anyway..
The big question for a million is now, Guys… Which laptop is the freaking best for gaming and normal use and which one will you guys have chosen if you was making the choice…… I also have in my mind that the macbook is a lot thinner and do not weight the same as the alienware does,,,, but i really need your help on this one guys.. Thanks for your time