Help GPU usage dropping yo 0% while gaming


Mar 26, 2018
Hi i'm new to the forum.
Sometimes when i'm playing, the GPU usage drops to 0% causing a huge fps drop, the grame freezes from 5-10 seconds, i've done some reading but the similar cases didn`t work, if someone could enlight me, that would be great
i've already tried re-install the GPU drivers
Cpu: i7 7740x
GPU: gigabyte 1050ti
Psu: evga 550w 80+ gold
Mobo: msi x299 sli plus
Storage: ssd kingston a400 240 gb
Ram: kingston 4gb 2400mhz
Might be caused by low system RAM. Check your RAM usage when those drops happen. If it is near 100% then it would be the cause.
low system ram, basically CPU can't find the data from ram, so it needs stop to swap data into ram from ssd, your ssd is about 0.3 gbps write and 0.5 gbps write, depending on how game are written, worst case, system swap out 3 gb into your ssd, and so 9s put the data in ssd, 6 s to load the new thing in, causing the delay. once all data are loaded, program will continue to run. upgrade to 8 gig you will see a good performance.


I am having the same issue and I recently have upgraded from 8GB DDR3 to 4GB DDR4 :/ so are you sure that it works?