HELP!!! GTX 1060 crashing


Aug 29, 2017
I recently bought a PC w/ a GTX 1060, so I installed windows onto the PC and then it was working all fine, then suddenly it all went wrong and the GPU fan stopped spinning and then there was no Display as (i think) the GPU had crashed. I restarted the PC by pushing the power button and pushed it again, it then started the GPU during the start screen, but after that screen the GPU instantly stopped working and now I don't know what to do!

i5 7600k
H270M D3H mATX by Gigabyte
Hyper 212X CPU Air Cooler
250GB Samsung EVO SSD
1TB Seagate Barracuda HDD
550W VS550 Corsair Power Supply

ok, so that would suggest the most likely culprit is either the PSU or the GPU

easiest way to tell, try the GPU in another PC, or try another up to spec PSU in your system
when you first encountered the problem, what were you doing?

were you just in windows, or gaming, or running something else?

After powering on after the suspected GPU crash, is the same problem as before as in PC is running with no display, or has the PC turned itself off?

Also, is it a pre-built PC, or did you put it together?

I was downloading the drivers and half-way through it just crashed

Alright, I'll try, but I wasn't the one who built it I got someone to build it for me 😛

While you're in there, make sure that the card has the appropriate PCIE power cabled plugged in.
Thank who ever built your PC for putting a horrible PSU in it. Those Corsair VS units are tier 6 I believe and should be avoided at all costs. I would replace it as soon as possible. As for your GPU issues. This could be PSU related or not. Try the iGPU as mentioned. If it still crashes it is likely the PSU is so bad or a bad load of windows (ie need to re-install).

it doesn't show anything at all, no bios...
Alright, thanks for the help blockhead78, but I think that I've resolved the problem, here's what I did, when I updated the driver it would turn off half way, but for some reason the display went over to the other integrated graphics, and now I've fixed the problem, but thanks for the help anyways! :)

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