Help: GTX 670 4GB OR 2GB IN SLI?


Apr 27, 2012
Pairing it with a 3570k. Plan to play mostly Far Cry 3 in Ultra with 4x MSAA and other shooter games @60fps or more on a single 1080p monitor. Please just answer my question and don't recommend other GPU's. Thanks a lot for looking.

3GB or greater is when you multiple screens setup such as 2 or more FHD, so go for the two 670 2GB; I have read and heard that 670/680 4GB can't utilize the 4GB. I believe it uses 2,3GB or so. You might reconsider getting a Titan LE 5GB (600-700$ - for about the same sum as for two 670) or 780 4GB as they will come now in may.

Just as a tip, if you can get single card, then that's what should be aiming for; you won't get microstuttering and the compatibility is not as big of an issue as it with multi gpu setup due to drivers issues (this goes doe SLI as well as CrossFire configurations).
For a Single monitor go with the 2gb card. 4gb is only needed for multi monitor setups. I have 4gb 670's in SLI but I run 4 displays(3in surround and a AUX display) I never use more than 3gb.