help guys im a retard


Feb 9, 2015
Ok basically I bought this PC suggested by logainofhades

So far what I have done( or at least I think did)

Installed the CPU and the heatsink
Installed the power supply
Installed the motherboard onto the tower

I think i am missing a disc drive? Do I need a disc drive?

I cant figure out where to install the video card, SSD, and there are like 10 wires ,,,fml
Did you even watch the video man? Come on. It explains EXACTLY how to connect a HDD and where to plug it in. An SSD uses the SAME connectors.

Just plug the SSD into a Sata cable (other end to motherboard), and to the PSU (sata power cable). Easy.
Most of the wires are pretty well easy to determine. In that they only fit certain locations. Since that isn't a modular power supply there will be extra cables.. that's ok. The longest cable will plug straight to the board. There will also be a smaller 4 possible 8 pin plug that will plug up by your cpu(top left corner) should say atx12v
As Baumy15 said, gpu on your board goes in the top slot.. and looks to be the only one possible to plug into.
Graphics card goes in the long slot, labeled PCIe Express 3.0, leading to the back of the tower, underneath the CPU.

You don't have an SSD listed there, but you'd likely need to attack it to an adapter, and place it in a hard drive bay. They usually connect to a SATA port.

You don't -need- a disk drive, per say, but it's prolly better to have it.

Make sure when you install your RAM, to put them in matching color slots.
If you have another computer you would have the option of downloading windows 8 to a usb drive. I would personally have a dvd drive. But my guess is I am doing a lot of different things than you.
The same as a HDD. It is explained in the video I linked. You only need an optical drive if you need one. We can't tell if you will need one. Only you can. How are we supposed to be able to predict what you will use the PC for or if you need a certain part? I do not personally use an ODD drive.
Well I guess i dont really need it e...but I am kind of being retarded I am missing the part with the SDD

do i just literally slide in the SDD and thats it? Its got the golden connectors in the back but i have no idea where to plug them in or what plugs to use..Id post pictures what I mean but it is impossible right now its all dark...would it be possible if I could post them tomorrow and you guys could guide me step by step on what to do?

I swear I sat for 5 hours straight just listening and looking at about 7-10 different videos at what they were doing
I did watch them i jus dont know it doesnt make sense to me and they talk really fast and cut some of the stuff I realize this is supposed to be elementary but I dont know it just makes no sense....well ty for explaining now I understand that I need to use a Sata cable and then to the PSU...another small step out of the way for me