Help I don't know what I did


Jul 10, 2016
I was playing on my computer and had just loaded titanfall before 5 seconds in the game it flashed a green light and I said shit my computer crashed. I have a gtx 970 clocked at 1500 mhz and 7550 mhz. I realized that when I logged on the resolution was different and wasn't on the 970s hdmi so I assumed that something was wrong with gpu. I opened my computer and tried to tinker with(taking off the gpu and putting it back in since I don't know much about computers). When I was putting it back in I accidently took out a cord somewhere on the mobo (I heard it come out and I have no idea which it is). Ithe won't start now not even a glow it's just off and I'm really scared PLEASE HELP!!
You might need to post some pics then. Could be near the top of the board CPU power slot, the 24 pin main board power, or some thing else. Need to see it if possible, with close-ups if you can.
Relax , grab a small flashlight, and look around for a disconnected cable. Look for where it ought to fit, most cables physically can't be plugged in somewhere they shouldn't be. Just to be safe, report back any cables you see disconnected with their size/shape/characteristics.
You may have unplugged your graphics card from the power supply. Is there squarish/rectangle 4, 6, or 8 pin slot on the side of your graphics card? If so, look for the cable from the power supply that would fit it. Sometimes you have to hold the cables together to fit the six pin or eight pin connectors, as they can come in four and two pin configurations. So a six pin power slot would use a four and two pin cable, for example.
My gpu has a light on that's white so it is plugged in and would that make the whole computer not start? And there is a a slot but it's occupied by the pin that says hd audio and there's a pin by it that's unplugged but it says usb
You might need to post some pics then. Could be near the top of the board CPU power slot, the 24 pin main board power, or some thing else. Need to see it if possible, with close-ups if you can.
OK try to get some shots of the center and edges of the board with detail. Like center top, center right, center bottom, center left. Need to see the headers (cable plugins) all over the board as clearly as possible. Can't see much in that pic except your CPU heat sink and CPU fan header which is plugged in fine.

Worst case scenario if you have a techie friend it shouldn't be hard to figure out looking at it. Just hard to do over internet.
Looking at those I think you may have unplugged some of your cases wires. They connect your case power button to your board, among other things. The thing is there are several and they need to go in the right spots. They should be marked and your motherboard manual should have a diagram for where they go. That SATA cable on your HDD looks loose too but I doubt it's your issue.
That's probably it since the power button isn't really doing anything. Honestly I have no idea where the case wires go and I don't have my mobo manual so I'll have to look online or tinker some more. Do you know what theyd be labled?