Help I have 1947 issuse on my computer


Sep 11, 2013
603 opening files
1316 registry issues
12 system tune up oppurtunities
9 internet tune ups oppurtunities
7 fragmented registry sectors

PLEASE help me fix these
That looks like bloatware told you that. Many of those registry errors can be classified under a single error, however if you are worried, you can download CCleaner and use the registry cleaner:

But do not be surprised if the program that said you had these errors in the first place still says you have them. Many ads will do that to try to get you to buy a product, and not many are accurate. I wouldn't worry too much.
That looks like bloatware told you that. Many of those registry errors can be classified under a single error, however if you are worried, you can download CCleaner and use the registry cleaner:

But do not be surprised if the program that said you had these errors in the first place still says you have them. Many ads will do that to try to get you to buy a product, and not many are accurate. I wouldn't worry too much.
I am truly a rookie with computers. i think I am going to be more trouble then help on Tom Hardware site. I believe you are right I did purchase one of those products. Now I can not even open any of my files. I am going to try and get my money back. Thank you for your quick response and I am trying not to worry as much.
Thank you again.
You got malware installed use the ccleaner as stated above never just install or accept any agreement when downloading free apps there is always a shitload of junk that screws your system up


Try these and remember google is your friend if you pay attention to what your downloading never install add ons! ever
I agree with johnnyb. Programs like that are often just malware, and should be avoided. You likely will not get your money back, as the whole point of programs like that are to scam you. Do you have a proper antivirus? Such as MS Security essentials?? (It's free, btw, and it is made by microsoft.)
Yep even myself I had malware just used the malware bytes program and I am going to buy the program next pay period so many free programs out there may be free at a cost I could name hundreds of add ons that wreck havoc on your system but the list is long you always .always need to pay attention to what you download.. You should never have to install more then 1 program that you d/l ever example I download chrome or firefox and it asks me to install babalon or this or that stop there its malware ... ok

yep, malwarebytes pro paid version is one of the few paid programs of that nature i have.well worth it. the program that the op has can and will do more harm than good.sounds like one of those tuneup utilities the way,before using any registry cleaner,back your registry up with a program like tweaking.coms registry backup.ultimately the only way to optimize your computer and make it faster is to do a crapload of reading and tweak it thing at a time.

Yes so many of those pop ups and a op thinks they have a problem then d/l it and then the problems begin and never stop its like a bleeding sore they milk you for what they did in the first place and alot of users are not that savy enough or know better/ no pun to begin with and these websites malware folks know this..... and prey upon new users thank god when I was introduced to a pc it was way back around 93 and still get bitten from time to time but know when its happening no program every requires you to buy it in order to fix errors windows only true windows will tell you when theres a real error the reat are crapware.
Hello expl0itfinder, johnnyb105, aldan,
I just went to delete my junk mail and happened to notice emails from Tom's. Thank you for your response to my lack of knowledge. I did run ccleaner, the program cleaned up 306 issues left me only 39 I am not sure what those issues are. Yes, I do have Kaspersky anti virus protection put you all are right, I promise going forward I will not be downloading anything. Yes, google is my friend.

I still am not able to open (use) my Professional Plus 2013 Apps. (word, outlook) even though the tiles are still on the start screen. Any suggestions? Any advice I promise will be put to good use.
I am truly grateful. Thank you,