I have a Dell XPS 8700 desktop computer running Windows 10. The computer has an internal D drive. I had "My documents" folder located on the D drive, but my "Desktop" located on the C drive. I finally decided to move the desktop to the D drive, to make things less confusing.
Somehow, (no clue how), while moving the desktop, (right-click desktop icon in windows explorer, properties, location tab, Move button) I renamed (or maybe) merged or re-designated the desktop to be "My documents" (see picture below).
So the entire desktop is filled with all my documents folders and files. These are not just copies on the desktop, the desktop is mirroring the my documents folder, so if I delete folders from the desktop, they are deleted from my documents. UGH!
The desktop icon (in Windows Explorer) shows documents, when it should show Desktop.
I tried a system restore, and that did two things, Jack and S***. So I don't know what to do
All my documents are backed up, so is it possible maybe to delete the desktop icon (now named documents) .......which will delete everything in the actual documents folder....... and then create a new system folder named Desktop?
Somehow, (no clue how), while moving the desktop, (right-click desktop icon in windows explorer, properties, location tab, Move button) I renamed (or maybe) merged or re-designated the desktop to be "My documents" (see picture below).
So the entire desktop is filled with all my documents folders and files. These are not just copies on the desktop, the desktop is mirroring the my documents folder, so if I delete folders from the desktop, they are deleted from my documents. UGH!
The desktop icon (in Windows Explorer) shows documents, when it should show Desktop.
I tried a system restore, and that did two things, Jack and S***. So I don't know what to do
All my documents are backed up, so is it possible maybe to delete the desktop icon (now named documents) .......which will delete everything in the actual documents folder....... and then create a new system folder named Desktop?