Help! I7 3770K can't OC


Jan 15, 2017
Hello, i would like some help on OCing my i7 3770K 3.5GHZ, i recently overclocked it to 4.1GHZ on bios, step up and turbo enabled and offset mode. But when i checked on Cpu-Z the clock was stuck at 3.5GHZ when stress tested. Would appreciate help, thanks in advance.
Try getting away from offset mode and due fixed voltage. Its much easier and far more common. Once you get your fixed voltage you can use that number to go back to trying to tune for offset anyway.

Try fixed voltage of 1.25 and 4.2GHz. Set LLC to level 1/high or even 2 or 3. Give that a shot & see what happens. You can then tune clocks and voltages from there to achieve a higher OC if desired. That chip should be able to reach upwards of 4.5 easily with good cooling and reasonable voltage. I personally try to find the best OC I can with priority 1 of keeping voltage no higher than 1.3v and of course keeping temps comfortable (80-82c max under the most brutal stress tools like the newer versions of prime95 which over-stresses the...
Try getting away from offset mode and due fixed voltage. Its much easier and far more common. Once you get your fixed voltage you can use that number to go back to trying to tune for offset anyway.

Try fixed voltage of 1.25 and 4.2GHz. Set LLC to level 1/high or even 2 or 3. Give that a shot & see what happens. You can then tune clocks and voltages from there to achieve a higher OC if desired. That chip should be able to reach upwards of 4.5 easily with good cooling and reasonable voltage. I personally try to find the best OC I can with priority 1 of keeping voltage no higher than 1.3v and of course keeping temps comfortable (80-82c max under the most brutal stress tools like the newer versions of prime95 which over-stresses the CPU even). Tools like Realbench will reflect even lower temps.

I tried fixed voltage of 1.25 and 4.2GHz but the problem stilll remains its stuck at 3.6Ghz but cpu z has my multiplier to 42 but when i stress test it doesn't hit max

Okay i fixed it, what i did was put my power options to high performance and the maximum processor state to 100, it was stuck at 99. Thank you for all your help!