Hello there and thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this!
My Computer's Specs;
Processor: Intel i7-6700k 4.00ghz
Cooling: Corsair H110i Liquid Cooling
Motherboard: MSI Z170A Xpower Gaming Titanium
RAM: 32GB DDR4 Corsair Dominator 3000mhz
SSD: 1TB SSD, Corsair somethingorother
GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 980Ti
PSU: Corsair HX1000i
OS: Win 10 (Updated as of 2/18/17)
My Problem;
I built this computer a little under a year ago and have been using it heavily since - with practically no problems, idles at 36 degrees on the average basis. "Average Use" for me is usually a game + streaming equipment - so OBS, Webcam, Mic, so on - or Zbrush/3Ds Max. All of this for usually multiple hours a day, at least.
I watch my GPU/CPU temp pretty regularly out of habbit, and after restarting my computer one night my CPU temp just skyrocketed - after usually sitting even in the 40s while playing games, It was up over 80c. Within 2-3 minutes of the computer being on, it got to over 100. I instantly turned my computer off out of worry.
Even now, booting up my computer and just spending 20-30 seconds in the BIOS alone I see the temp quickly rising from 30-40 up to over 100. I am currently running my computer in "slow" mode, showing at 0.8ghz, and I am sitting at about 50c.
I fully admit I am not the best at building PCs, and I am really hoping I just did something stupid and it's easily fixable - but I just can not figure out what this is, or what caused it. It was not a gradual increase of temperature over time - this feels like a part failed somewhere.
What I've Tried:
So far I've tried a few things to get this working, with none of them showing any improvement what-so-ever.
What Next
Like I said before, I am really hoping this is just some small thing I overlooked and it's just a "whoops, I'm so dumb silly me!" moment. Unfortunately, Other google searches I'm finding are saying a few things: Cooling is bad, CPU/Mobo is shot/Virus.
With me checking two different cooling systems, and double checking that the pump is indeed working - I am going to assume it is not an issue with the cooling itself, it seems to be working in order.
Is there any advice anyone can give, for what other things I could check / what could of gone wrong? This was a sudden spike of "you're in normal temp ranges" to "oh crap we are dying". I would absolutely love to not have to buy new parts - as I can't exactly afford them at the moment.. but it is quickly looking like it's coming to that.
Thank you for any and all help you can give.
My Computer's Specs;
Processor: Intel i7-6700k 4.00ghz
Cooling: Corsair H110i Liquid Cooling
Motherboard: MSI Z170A Xpower Gaming Titanium
RAM: 32GB DDR4 Corsair Dominator 3000mhz
SSD: 1TB SSD, Corsair somethingorother
GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 980Ti
PSU: Corsair HX1000i
OS: Win 10 (Updated as of 2/18/17)
My Problem;
I built this computer a little under a year ago and have been using it heavily since - with practically no problems, idles at 36 degrees on the average basis. "Average Use" for me is usually a game + streaming equipment - so OBS, Webcam, Mic, so on - or Zbrush/3Ds Max. All of this for usually multiple hours a day, at least.
I watch my GPU/CPU temp pretty regularly out of habbit, and after restarting my computer one night my CPU temp just skyrocketed - after usually sitting even in the 40s while playing games, It was up over 80c. Within 2-3 minutes of the computer being on, it got to over 100. I instantly turned my computer off out of worry.
Even now, booting up my computer and just spending 20-30 seconds in the BIOS alone I see the temp quickly rising from 30-40 up to over 100. I am currently running my computer in "slow" mode, showing at 0.8ghz, and I am sitting at about 50c.
I fully admit I am not the best at building PCs, and I am really hoping I just did something stupid and it's easily fixable - but I just can not figure out what this is, or what caused it. It was not a gradual increase of temperature over time - this feels like a part failed somewhere.
What I've Tried:
So far I've tried a few things to get this working, with none of them showing any improvement what-so-ever.
Brand new Cooling unit, another corsair, right out of the box - no improvement to temperature.
Replacing the Stock Thermal Paste on the new cooling unit with Arctic Silver 5, no improvement in temperature.
Checking the seating of the CPU/Waterblock - seems fine to me, hasn't budged since I installed it and seems firm - everything is flat and in-place.
Checked Voltages of CPU/various parts in BIOS - I don't remember exact voltages, as I was getting a bit frantic at this point, but they were in-line with the few google searches I was doing at this point.
Old cooling unit, new thermal paste (removed old properly), re-checked every cable is plugged in in the right spot and secure. While I admit I have sub-par cable management, I am confident the Air-flow is fine.
Cleaned the case/components(all fans/radiator/etc) like a madwoman, it is cleaner than when I put it together. (Sarcasm, but I was thorough)
Double checked I am not overclocking at all - I've never played with overclocking one bit, but from checking Bios and in my OS, it looks like I did not Overclock the machine to something it can't handle by accident.
What Next
Like I said before, I am really hoping this is just some small thing I overlooked and it's just a "whoops, I'm so dumb silly me!" moment. Unfortunately, Other google searches I'm finding are saying a few things: Cooling is bad, CPU/Mobo is shot/Virus.
With me checking two different cooling systems, and double checking that the pump is indeed working - I am going to assume it is not an issue with the cooling itself, it seems to be working in order.
Is there any advice anyone can give, for what other things I could check / what could of gone wrong? This was a sudden spike of "you're in normal temp ranges" to "oh crap we are dying". I would absolutely love to not have to buy new parts - as I can't exactly afford them at the moment.. but it is quickly looking like it's coming to that.
Thank you for any and all help you can give.