Help Install The Sims 4 from Disc


Dec 31, 2017
I have The Sims 4 discs, and have Origin installed. I am following install instructions, but it does not send me beyond downloading Autorun, to the next step to download The Sims 4 game or launching The Sims 4 game.
Bit confusing what is happening. Autorun is just what a disk does when it starts automatically, you don't download it. Put the disk in, go to the disk in My Computer, run the Setup you see there, follow directions through the setup, basically click Next a few times.

Sorry, it is a bit confusing. The problem is, it doesn't take us to the "Next". We get stuck, after hearing the disc spinning for a while. Step 2 never happens.

Make sure the disk is clean, test it in another system. If it does not work anywhere, contact Origin or just install the game from online.

Did you actually start the setup or were you just waiting for it to pop up automatically? If it does not pop up, go to the disk in My Computer and run the setup from there.