Help Installing Huion Tablet Drivers

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Apr 10, 2013
I bought a huion h610 pro tablet because Linux compatibility was listed.
So they have linux drivers, but they weren't released to the public yet so they haven't yet made it.. super user-friendly for non-programmers like my self.
Here are the links they gave me:

Here's the Huion Source Code

Huion Linux Driver Install Guide.
Anyone on here know how to use these? And can explain it step by step for me? I would appreciate it so much!! Thanks
I have exactly the same problem.
I've done all the things described in guide, but my tablet (h610 pro) still doesn't work (ubuntu 12.04).

I can describe all my actions step by step:

1. (Copy huiontablet.c to [kernel]/drivers/hid)
- To find kernel directory i used search in file browser (I think this directories are hidden by default) with word "hid".
- I discovered that there are several directories with kernel (different versions) in /src. I've chosen the last one.
- Terminal comand to copy file: sudo cp -b PathToFile PathToDirectory (to fill paths you can drag'n'drop things from file browser)

2. (Open Makefile ,before the end of file ,you can write...)
- To edit file: sudo nano...
Thanks for reminding me....sips more coffee....aaaahhhh,that's better.

It would appear they wrote one instruction guide and it includes the chinese which you need to ignor.

For example. The first step is to copy /where ever you put this/huiontablet.c to [kernel]/drivers/hid
in my computer that would be

copy /where ever you put this/huiontablet.c to /usr/src/linux-headers-3.8.0-27/drivers/hid

then edit the Makefile there as ordered etc...

If you don't see the file needing editing hit ctl h to show the hidden ones.
If you still have problems then come back


Hi, sorry to reply so late. Busy week.
I'm not sure how to edit the code. Can you point me in the right direction?

I was hoping someone on here would know how and could help. Is it something i'd need in-person help for?

I have exactly the same problem.
I've done all the things described in guide, but my tablet (h610 pro) still doesn't work (ubuntu 12.04).

I can describe all my actions step by step:

1. (Copy huiontablet.c to [kernel]/drivers/hid)
- To find kernel directory i used search in file browser (I think this directories are hidden by default) with word "hid".
- I discovered that there are several directories with kernel (different versions) in /src. I've chosen the last one.
- Terminal comand to copy file: sudo cp -b PathToFile PathToDirectory (to fill paths you can drag'n'drop things from file browser)

2. (Open Makefile ,before the end of file ,you can write...)
- To edit file: sudo nano PathToFile[/i] (ctrl+o - save, ctrl+x - exit)

3. Same thing

4, 5. Here was some problem: there weren't such files where they should be. I've downloaded them from here:
(and the second file from the same place). Dont't know if it was right))

6. To use menuconfig install it first:
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev

Then type in terminal:
cd PathToDirectory
sudo make menuconfig (you will need to find and enable HUION TABLET in menu)

Please, tell if I did something wrong. Tablet reacts on "clicking" and express keys, but cursor positioning doesn't work.


Yes, I think that's because I've updated my system several times.

files hid_ids.h and hid-quirks.c (they are mentioned in the guide)
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