
Jan 29, 2006

im desesperate. I had this mobo Intel D815EEA2 in a box. I putted the mobo on a case and everything was ok until i turn it on. It doesnt show anything on the monitor. black screen nothin the monitor doesnt even show a green light is orange. Also the ony thing is that the mobo show this light STR LED in green the hold time and everytime i turn it on. Everything else is working because the video card is working the processor too and the ram. I dont know what can be happening I have read on some pages and saw that my mobo can be dead? nooo plz tell me is not true i know you guys gonna find a solution. please tell me what can i do i removed the battery and used another one but it didnt work either PLEASE HELP!
Are you sure the psu works. That you have the mb connected properly in the case. That the video card is seated properly, and the memory? Not too many details in your post.
psu works because the everything gets power. video card processor and the mobo show it gets power because the light STR is on the hold time. the mobo is properly putted it and the memory i have tested on other pc and it works. i have tried turning on the system many times, but nothing i read that using a modem on the pci slot 2 might wake it up by making a call to it. i dont know. i dont have an old dam modem to try. I used my wireless card but it didnt work. i also read that the keyboard my wake it up with the wake key but i dont think the keyboard is working because the NUM BLoQ light doesnt turn on.. (does that mean the mobo is not receiving power? then why the STR light is on the hold time? weird.) ill keep reading to find a solution but i need your help too
You need to start from the beginning:

Did you get the *beep* that comes from a successfull Power On Self Test (POST)?

If not, that is usually the sign of a wiring problem.

If it does beep, but doesn't come on, check the Motherboard booklet to see what the *beep* code means.

My official guess: you have a PSU with 2 power cables, one large and one small, and you forgot to plug the small one in.

like you said... there are no beeps. never heard a beep. But when i connect the PSU i saw that it had 4 extra pins ( which were 4 bigger ones) so i saw that i could remove them and I did. so is there anything wrong with what I did?
If this is a newer mobo, then the PSU should plug into the mobo in 2 spots. The first connector is hard to miss, it's the big one. The second power connector uses a 4 prong plug and is keyed to plug into the motherboard in only 1 connector. If you have to force it....wrong connector.

Here's an example:,prod_id--245630245.html

Enlarge the image. The second connector is the one that is near top right of the picture next to where it says "ASUS". Notice it is the same color as the larger power connector. That is the second power connector. If your motherboard has one, it needs power.
is a pentium III mobo Intel i815 chipset desktop board d815eea2

so i dont know cuz ther is this atx connector and the psu connector fits in there but the other 4 dont cuz there is like a black circle with a + and it doesnt let me put it so i have to just leave those 4 pins out. still dont know what can be the problem but i think something with the psu. also do you think the bios can also have anything to do with this? cuz the bios in this mobo has 3 pins and two of them have a blue thing i dont know if this makes anything different....
also do you think it can be the processor which doesnt let the system boot? because first thing i was going to do was update the BIOS since is a new board by using a 1.4ghz tualatin but i cant even do this because it doesnt show anything on the monitor =/ can it be the BIos because im using a unsuported processor?
This doesn't sound too promising so far......

Try using some of your components, with the exception of the mobo, one at a time on a different computer (if possible).

If they all work, your problem is the mobo. Like I said, doesn't sound too promising. I'm tapped, good luck.
my god... processor works i used before on a bx system with a slocket. ram works it was removed from an ibm. video card is new and sound card was removed from working system. psu is brand new... and the mobo i got it from ebay many weeks ago brand new too. hopefully this guy who sold it to me is helping me ... let see what we can do anyways thanks to you man u really helpfull.


Dear Sr. I have the same problem with my MOBO. d815ee. do you find a solution?