HELP! lenovo y410p display has vertical lines after an update

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Jun 17, 2014
The other day I was using my laptop, (its not BRAND new or anything, its about 6 or 7 months old. (Lenovo y410p 16x9))
It was perfectly fine, and it said that windows had to update so I let it. After the update it worked fine as well. I set the laptop down carefully, like I always do. I normally take good care of my things. The next morning I woke up to find my entire display was white with mostly blue vertical lines, along with red and green. I was mortified, I didn't know what happened. I could still see the screen change a hair so I knew it worked, and after finding a secondary screen, I know that everything else was fine. Just my screen is rendered useless. I don't know what could have happened, there are no visible cracks, and I dont want to open it up and void the warranty. Could this be a software problem, or is it obvious something physical happened? Could it still be under warranty, or do I need to pay for a new lcd/laptop entirely? I need a computer for my major, and this was the laptop to get me through it :/

I just tried that, I think.. I couldn't see. so im guessing that it didn't work.
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