Help locating stupid standoff screw on MOBO. to unscrew the MOBO.


Mar 1, 2014
Here is the screw-exterior :

PIC. (WHOLE PIC): that is where it is LOCATED!

Please can someone help me locate the stupid standoff screw on my MOBO? I really can't locate it!

I've been looking everywhere and I'm yanking random stuff, I've even tried to yank the motherboard out to no avail.

Here's the imgs. (MOBO interior) and it includes a far-out picture so you can see the whole context:
Ok, so what's stopping it from coming out? Have you removed all the standoff screws you can see? Looks to me like you need to remove the screw holding the graphics card in, unlock the back slide lock on the graphics card, remove the graphics card and then remove the board unless for some reason you're trying to remove it with the graphics card still installed, which doesn't make much sense.

The standoffs shouldn't need to come out to remove the board, just the screws holding the standoffs to the motherboard.
I'm trying to remove the motherboard from the case!

I can't locate the screw to unscrew the mobo. & it's stuck it seems like a standoff is holding it and I'm not sure how to remove it b/c. I can't even find it!

Help me find it please w/the pics!
Ok, so what's stopping it from coming out? Have you removed all the standoff screws you can see? Looks to me like you need to remove the screw holding the graphics card in, unlock the back slide lock on the graphics card, remove the graphics card and then remove the board unless for some reason you're trying to remove it with the graphics card still installed, which doesn't make much sense.

The standoffs shouldn't need to come out to remove the board, just the screws holding the standoffs to the motherboard.
The screws are on the same side of the board as the graphics card, and screw DOWN into the standoffs. They aren't removed from the backside and they don't actually screw into the board, if that's what you were thinking. There should be several small screws at all of those standoff locations. Just unscrew them from the top side of the motherboard and take the board out. It shouldn't be a difficult process and it's not complex really either so unless there's something I'm missing that you haven't mentioned, that should be all there is to it.
I can't handle it anymore!

I've been at this for 3 hours or so. I've removed the GPU, HEATSINK, FAN, and all the screws on the motherboard (I've even looked at a motherboard removal video) and they do it like I do. There's this little pick that's holding the motherboard and I don't know what it is. It's not removable and it doesn't seem like you can unscrew it. I have no idea anymore.

I might just ask a computer repair/specialist/shop-guy to remove everything and install everything for me.

Thank you so much though. I really appreciate it. I don't think it's unscrewable. I just honestly have no idea. It seems like I've removed everything that's holding it but there's two little picks/flexible moving things that I don't even know what they're called...
Can you take a some close up and mid range pics of them from both the top and bottom. I can't really tell anything from those pics you posted before. I have a suspicion that maybe it's just a locking tab that needs to be pinched, similar, but not exactly the same, to these. If they are, you just need to squeeze them with needlenose pliers and gently pull up on the board until the locking area is past the hole, then do the next one. Pics of exactly what the top and bottom areas you're talking about would be helpful now that I have a better idea of exactly what your problem is.

I've seen OEM system motherboards before that employed something similar that you simply slip the motherboard down over them and then the lip expands back out holding the motherboard in alignment. Then there will be a few actual screws that fasten to standoffs to more firmly hold it down.

Knowing the exact model number of your prebuilt system would be helpful in finding exactly what kind of steps are need to remove the board as well, so if you could find the model number, that might help.
OMG, I can't believe it. My dad just went in and took a look and all he did was flip a switch-like thing and it popped out, wtf?

And I spent like 3 hours on that?

Thank you guys, it's resolved now...