Question [Help] Losing video signal (but only sometimes) after launching games or apps like Photoshop. GPU or PSU issue?

Jun 13, 2023
Hello all.

tl;dr: losing video after launching games / Adobe apps, but only sometimes. If it runs for a few minutes it'll be fine for the day, if it crashes I just keep restating until it stops which sometimes takes a few tries.

I recently upgraded my CPU from a Ryzen 5 1600 to a 5600 (B450 Gaming Plus mobo) and love the performance increase. It had me thinking maybe I could live with my rx580 just a bit longer cuz I've had it for about 3 years now running a 27" @ 1440 and a 24" @1080. All this is being powered by a basic 600w (maybe 650w) EVGA PSU which I got at the same time about 3 years ago. I haven't had any issues with this build until I did my recent upgrade.

Over the last couple of weeks I've been regularly losing my video signal to both displays while launching a game or shortly after starting playing. It has also done this starting up Photoshop or other Adobe apps. If it goes for 5-10 mins without losing the signal then it'll be fine for the rest of the day. I can quit games / apps, start up others, no issues.

Initially I was thinking driver issues so I tried updating, then wiping with DDU and reinstalling and even rolling back with the 3 most recent AMD Adrenaline drivers. Issue persists through all this. I tried reseating the GPU, taking out my USB expansion PCI card, peripherals, running just a bare set up and no resolve.

I have found several posts here on the forums of others having similar issues of games losing video after launching and many responses point to the PSU. If it was a PSU issue would it still sometimes work, such as in my case?

I'm kinda broke at the moment and hoping its actually the PSU since that'd be cheaper to replace, but I'd like to verify if it is in fact failing.

Edit: Maybe I should just go get another psu and pop it in and if everything is ok then I have my answer? lol

Thanks for any and all replies.

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