Help me build a FUTURE Proof GAMING RIG


Mar 31, 2015
I need serious advice on how to go about building a good gaming rig.
I have an ancient rig now q8400, 4gb ddr2.
I wanted to play New Order & now that seems so archaic as Arkham Knight requires even better specs.HELP
Here's a quote given by an IT shop
I5 4440
Gigabyte H97
8gb ddr3 ram corsair
Gtx 750ti
700 or 750w psu
Nothing is ever "future-proof" - for people who like having the newest stuff, they will always find reasons to justify upgrading their system every year or two.

The best you can do is get something "good enough" for your needs for the foreseeable future.

With 16GB DDR3 kit prices back down to historic lows, I would seriously recommend going with 16GB: when DRAM manufacturers switch most DDR3 production to DDR4 or other products, then discontinue DDR3 production altogether, DDR3 prices will shoot back up and won't come back down ever again.
Do not skimp on the PSU. If it's overpowered then in almost all newer models you will never hear it in non-gaming uses since the fan will turn off.

Apparently the 4690 is less expensive than the 4440, so that is the only thing I'd change from your initial list.

(Also, at best, any computer can be future tolerant)
Also just so you know, a 4th gen i5 and a 750 ti is not "future proof". it will be able to play games at 1080 with low settings. but that is the current generation of games.
may want to look into a gtx 960 or gtx 970 if that fits the budget. that will get you much higher settings for a much longer time