Hello, I intend to buy a gaming rig. I had no clue about the subject. but after weeks of looking around for info, and asking some people, I have decided on the i5 4690 as far as CPU goes. Not the 4690K, I'm not interested in overclocking, because I expect my computer to perform top-notch for a long time.
I was also decided on the ASUS STRIX GTX960 but then I saw a lot of people praising the R9 290 instead. It is also kinda cheaper and allows for some wiggle room for the other parts. But it is already 1.5 year old. What should I do?
My requirements-preferences are as follows:
■ The 1100 budget must contain a screen. No other peripherals or OS.
■ Will be used for video editing and CPU intensive jobs (I hope the i5 does the job more than adequately)
■ Will be used for gaming, I want to play new games in very high quality for some years.
■ Will be on a lot, maybe 24/7, for rendering, exporting etc. Needs to keep cool, I don't care very much about noise as much as I care about temperatures.
■ I would like to have multiple programs open simultaneously (Photoshop and Premiere and Chrome) so as high RAM as it can go within the budget.
■ I'm not particularly interested in an SSD for now. I don't think I will miss it, because I've never had one. If it fits in the budget, put one.
■ I care more for performance than looks, so if a box is more spacious/has better airflow but simpler in looks than another one in the same price, I'll prefer the first box.
■ Also need it to have a CD drive.
Also guys, I live in Greece, where most parts have higher prices. I also can't order from Amazon/Newegg or other US sites like that because they don't ship to Greece, or they add some $200 import fees etc.
I was also decided on the ASUS STRIX GTX960 but then I saw a lot of people praising the R9 290 instead. It is also kinda cheaper and allows for some wiggle room for the other parts. But it is already 1.5 year old. What should I do?
My requirements-preferences are as follows:
■ The 1100 budget must contain a screen. No other peripherals or OS.
■ Will be used for video editing and CPU intensive jobs (I hope the i5 does the job more than adequately)
■ Will be used for gaming, I want to play new games in very high quality for some years.
■ Will be on a lot, maybe 24/7, for rendering, exporting etc. Needs to keep cool, I don't care very much about noise as much as I care about temperatures.
■ I would like to have multiple programs open simultaneously (Photoshop and Premiere and Chrome) so as high RAM as it can go within the budget.
■ I'm not particularly interested in an SSD for now. I don't think I will miss it, because I've never had one. If it fits in the budget, put one.
■ I care more for performance than looks, so if a box is more spacious/has better airflow but simpler in looks than another one in the same price, I'll prefer the first box.
■ Also need it to have a CD drive.
Also guys, I live in Greece, where most parts have higher prices. I also can't order from Amazon/Newegg or other US sites like that because they don't ship to Greece, or they add some $200 import fees etc.