I have recently decided to build a desktop since my current prebuilt system isn't enough for me anymore. I tried to pick some parts myself but i would appreciate your help in this endeavour. Is there anything you would change?
Thanks in advance!
Im planning on buying another ssd of the same model later and the noctua fan is going to be replacing the fan on the gpu rad and the kraken rad, i might buy 2 extras too put at the top if i feel the need
I have recently decided to build a desktop since my current prebuilt system isn't enough for me anymore. I tried to pick some parts myself but i would appreciate your help in this endeavour. Is there anything you would change?
Thanks in advance!
Im planning on buying another ssd of the same model later and the noctua fan is going to be replacing the fan on the gpu rad and the kraken rad, i might buy 2 extras too put at the top if i feel the need