Help me choose a gaming monitor please..

Jun 4, 2018
Ok let us start with I read in the forum A LOT about g-sync ,free-sync and adaptive about HZ about refreshrate , frames per second , resolutions etc.......

What I cannot seem to understand (I hope someone can explain and answer my questions ) the following :
1 - What is the relation between FPS and Refresh Rate ( HZ ) of a monitor ?
2- How do one affect the other ?
3- What happens when I have FPS higher than HZ and what happens the other way around ? (which is better?)
4- What is the relation between resolution and FPS ?
and here the next questions are the same as above ?

I have a setup which is with GTX 1070ti and i7 8700k 16 ram 3200..
looking for a monitor that can give me the best smooth play ..
As far as I have decided it is 144hz and a 1080 res.
So what happens when I play a game that will run with 50-60 fps on 144 hz monitor does matter if it is 144 hz or 60hz ?am I wasting the rest of the HZ ? and what happens when I play a game that will run with 300 fps ?

I know that I have too many questions but I cannot decide which is best for gaming and would it be better if i get 1440p monitor with 144hz eventhough my games will run with 60-70 fps ?
or should I go for 1080 144hz and at least gurantee that my FPS will be Higher ?


See answers in bold above. What budget do you have? What games do you play? Above answers only think about AAA titles.

Thank you really for yur time explaining all that .. so from what I understand that people talking about 240hz monitor that it is a lot better and bla bla it is only when my rig actually can reach the 240 fps ? otherwise I will see only the FPS my rig can reach till the 240fps ?

my budget is around 350 -400 $ I already spent good 1900 $ on my rig (parts in my country are really over priced) cant afford more 🙁((((
So G-sync 1440p 144hz with 1 ms response time will be perfect keeping in mind that I will OC ?
Do you have any monitor in mind which is 27 inches with theabove specs ?
Yes, the amount of Hz ( Hertz ) is how many frames can be displayed in a period of time, 144 hz = 144 fps. Therefore if you only achieved 90 fps but had a 144hz monitor it would only show 90 frames , but with a cap at 144 hz. From 60hz to 144hz you will see a much smoother performance, it's great for first person shooters and overall just for better quality if you have a powerful pc. From 144hz your eyes will see a difference but it will be nowhere near that from 60 to 144. Hope I could help you somewhat

Thanks bro for the info .. I think I wil go for 1080p 144 hz 27 inch g-sync at least I think thats the best I can get for my budget ..