Help me choose a graphics card?


Aug 26, 2012
Here it goes, I'm doing a build and it's nearly done but I need a graphics card. Any suggestions? It is a gaming rig. Also, would the 5970 be good still? I mean at the price you can get one at would two of them in crossfire be better than any other newer dual gpu card?

I don't care whatever you say. If the OP wants AMD, he should get it. I don't care.
The problem or Benefit is going to him, not to me.

I just suggest Nvidia because its safer in that Camp. If you like AMD, get it.
I upgrade my card from NV to NV. And I don't want my Money to get waste if I face any problem like many other AMD users got.

I'm not referring anyone. I've seen many unhappy Users from Both Camps.
That maybe the Driver Issue or Faulty card. But I've seen more AMD cards be faulty.
Some of the 7950 come faulty and Deliver Poor Quality and Lags. I don't know whether its the Card or the Drivers.

And don't always Brag about FPS of AMD Cards. fps isn't right always.
Every Nvidia card is Sure to give a smooth experience. And that is what expected from a Card.

Oh I'm always lurking somewhere! :lol: As for my theory on finance, buy beer and lots of it. :ange: