Help me choose fans for my case plsss


May 18, 2014
Below is a list of fans i can choose from. Which one would you choose in front of a thick dirty dust filter and which one would you choose as rear exhaust in front of a hexagon mesh? I´ve also added prices so you could take it into consideration, please help, i have no idea what to choose

Thermalright TR-TY147A PWM (12 euros)

Noctua NF A14 PWM (22 euros)

Be quiet pure wings 2
(12 euros)
Be quiet shadow wings (16 euros)
Be quiet silent wings 2 (20 euros)

Fractal Design Silent Series R3 (12 euros)
Fractal Design Dynamic GP-14 (16 euros)
Fractal Venturi HP-14 PWM (20 euros)

Edit: All are 140mm

Is NF A14 Flx better performance wise? why wouldnt i want PWM? i like to tune things when i can

The PWM version is better performance wise, I only suggest the NF A14 FLX if you do not want the trouble of configuring a fan curve that is right for you. If you like tuning things, then definitely go with the PWM. Sorry for the confusion, that's my bad.

Oh ok, its alright. But do you have any experience with the other fans? im mean like, i could get two Be quite pure wings 2 for almost as much as one NF A14 PWM, how much of a performance difference is there realy?