Question Help me cool my tools!


Jun 7, 2019
So I've currently got all my tack in an old acer predator case . It has no inbuilt cooling systems, I have had to add my own, however my MOBO will only allow one external fan connection (Acer G3-605 mobo).

For this, I have mounted an Arctic 82mm intelligent (thermal control) fan sucking air from the case - not blowing air in.

The CPU is not an issue, even under heavy duress the temps stay under 60c.

The GPU however (MSI armour RX580 2048sp 8gb OC edition) likes to get hot - only when the case is closed. It never goes above 80 but with the case closed its around 76c... with the case open it's around 56-62c .

I'd like to keep my case closed. What's the best plan of action? I thought about a GPU cooler, but should I need to?

Mind sharing the SKU to your Acer Predator prebuilt system? If we knew what sort of a chassis you have, we could suggest other possible options. Modding is also one or changing the chassis(though you might run into issues with your front panel connection.
Mind sharing the SKU to your Acer Predator prebuilt system? If we knew what sort of a chassis you have, we could suggest other possible options. Modding is also one or changing the chassis(though you might run into issues with your front panel connection.

Cheers for reply!

It's an old predator case, theres one vent on the back (where my fan is mounted) and a side vent on the removable panel.

Thought bout whacking fan on the removable panel but would be a nightmare opening and closing if i needed to get in there.

where will I find the SKU roughly?
76 is not a bad temp for a gpu under stress. I wouldn't worry too much.

Cheers GMONEY, GPU makes loads of noise at that temp as the fans are in sync with temp control. So hoping keeping the case cooler will mean less work for GPU and less noise.

Sounds like a Chinooks lifting off when check-in out lara crofts ass on her way up a mountain.

So distracting. Wanna see laras ass in silence.
There may be a sticker on the case somewhere that would contain the sku.

I had an old cooler master case with a fan on the side panel, I used an extension on the plug. That way if I needed in the case, the wire was plenty long to allow removal.

As far as only having one fan header, you could grab a fan hub/controller to allow more. Or use a 3/4 pin to Molex adaptor and run it directly off the psu if you have any free Molex connectors.

Or get some headphones to allow your gaze of that booty to not be interuppted by sound, lol.
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There may be a sticker on the case somewhere that would contain the sku.

I had an old cooler master case with a fan on the side panel, I used an extension on the plug. That way if I needed in the case, the wire was plenty long to allow removal.

As far as only having one fan header, you could grab a fan hub/controller to allow more. Or use a 3/4 pin to Molex adaptor and run it directly off the psu if you have any free Molex connectors.

Or get some headphones to allow your gaze of that booty to not be interuppted by sound, lol.

I do have Molex connections. Never thought about an adapter to that. And an extra long cable to plug fan to side panel.

I think that's the one you know - I can't use headphones never have been able to lol
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