N Naycon Reputable Aug 1, 2016 9 0 4,510 Dec 9, 2016 #1 Hello I am going to get a new PSU, a 650w one and these are my options: Seasonic x650 Seasonic g650 EVGA supernova g2 650w Let me know which is the best one, without accounting the price in evaluation.
Hello I am going to get a new PSU, a 650w one and these are my options: Seasonic x650 Seasonic g650 EVGA supernova g2 650w Let me know which is the best one, without accounting the price in evaluation.
Solution Freakzontour Dec 11, 2016 you cant go wrong with any of them. get the cheapest of those in the list. i would go for this one if you have the option: Corsair RM650x (650W)
you cant go wrong with any of them. get the cheapest of those in the list. i would go for this one if you have the option: Corsair RM650x (650W)
P Plumboby Respectable Apr 18, 2016 1,079 0 2,660 Dec 9, 2016 #2 go with the evga they are the better brand nicer quality great warranty good customer support you pay a bit more for quality Upvote 0 Downvote
go with the evga they are the better brand nicer quality great warranty good customer support you pay a bit more for quality
BringerOfTea Reputable Dec 17, 2015 1,485 61 5,740 Dec 9, 2016 #3 they are all great ones.. you cannot go wrong with anyone of those. Upvote 0 Downvote
bicycle_repair_man Splendid Jan 10, 2014 5,751 2 28,960 Dec 9, 2016 #4 As said, they're all good. The G650 is the weakest of the bunch, but it's still way better than most. Go for whichever is the cheapest. Upvote 0 Downvote
As said, they're all good. The G650 is the weakest of the bunch, but it's still way better than most. Go for whichever is the cheapest.
Freakzontour Commendable Nov 26, 2016 38 0 1,540 Dec 11, 2016 Solution #5 you cant go wrong with any of them. get the cheapest of those in the list. i would go for this one if you have the option: Corsair RM650x (650W) Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
you cant go wrong with any of them. get the cheapest of those in the list. i would go for this one if you have the option: Corsair RM650x (650W)